
MonclerBaolong a dog husband , Hydrangea get married

In the past, there Liujiazhuang, Zhuang has a high old man, childless, four-year-old that year, gave birth to a daughter, named continued incense. Long to the year-old daughter, his wife on Sashouxiqu, leaving father and daughter had each other. Urine, feces a high old man a pull to sixteen-year-old daughter, saw was like a daughter as pretty angel takes my heart happy and worry. Pleased that her daughter in the future if they can find a good, old to have to rely on their own; worry is the bad young man Liu expansive village, to his daughter as their own hegemony. It has two bedrooms wife Liu expansive, sensual pleasures remain outside all day, not Ganhao Shi, someone's girl If he took a fancy to, to escape his palm. The day is also the co-incident, outside the house continued fragrant flowers, unfortunately it was Liu expansive hit. Liu expansive up is necessary to indecent assault, while telling them to Hong scared continued to run the house. High old man out to look, see Liu expansive, was surprised, busy lose smile: Ayaya, Master Liu how to place like this coming. Liu expansive single-handedly holding the dog in one hand with the whip pointing to the high old man said: old fool, this is your daughter? High old man nodded: it is the next daughter. Liu expansive corner to the whip, said: I want your daughter, tomorrow send over. High old man said: My daughter is still small, not a ah. Liu expansive Bunai trouble to say: small good! The young master would like to tender. That night, and the two together to discuss countermeasures. Although this continued fragrant young, but smart, high heart, of strong, how to refuse to marry Liu expansive this villain. High anxious old man went to pieces. Hong added that: father, throwing Hydrangea on it, who would marry me grab, even if the dog is the cat I have to agree. High-old man heaved a sigh: life can only recognize it! Buddha bless my child! The next morning, issued a notice on the person, throw in the rain House Restaurant Hydrangea get married. Village on the man, the poor rich, not married, marry mistress, and there is the curious, and have come, there are many people who heard about the next village. Shortly after noon, the high old man and the rain continued incense board floor, looked down, a dense mass of all people. Continued to look and then throw incense can be clearly seen there! I thought, Buddha bless! Eyes closed, the hydrangea just fling into the air. Hydrangea coming downstairs threw to the ground I squeeze you push people, as early as chaos into a group. At this time, only to hear the dog bark Wang to several more, something like a group of white lightning fly, bite his arm and hydrangea. We recovered, a closer look, turned out to be a dog to grab the ball of white fur, H can not help but laughed. At this time, Liu expansive separate people, came over, a look on the music, the original dog of his! This is Liu expansive upstairs with one finger toward the whip, and shouted: high Laoer, call your daughter to marry me, is flattering you, you are chosen to throw out what Hydrangea pattern, now how? Hydrangea was grab my dog, you is not my daughter! Want to escape from my palm, not so easy! Come! I carried back to get married to that chick! Hear the real Hong continued upstairs and ask yourself is actually throwing the ball of the dog grabbed Liu expansive, Xiuyou gas, emergency Fire Attack heart, eye and one black, suddenly lost consciousness later. High old man her daughter burst into tears. Liu expansive servant has rushed upstairs, just-do, lift continued incense left. High old man saw was the daughter was taken away, clinging tightly to exclude try any, to be a pawn Liu expansive foot hides down to the ground. Continued to be carried downstairs Hong, suddenly Wadeyisheng crying, woke up. At this time, abercrombie paris, only to hear someone upstairs shouting: bad, old man jumped up high! We turned and looked and saw the old man had a high A pair fell to the ground, distributed to bleed to death. Hong continued to stand up suddenly, piercing screams: father -------, rush about throwing himself on the high old man who burst into tears. White dog bird also shabu with the past, the old man crouched beside the body high, a mournful look. People are all amazed. 2, Seno tomb catch Liu Xiang will be continued expansive home, told maid carefully enlighten care, like other emotions a little better on the renewal of Hong consummated. The old woman comes down to eat is to follow the Master Lau put in the class, continued into the Hong hear there, the touch is not answered the touch sent, all day without saying a word, just kept tears. Over time, the maid put tired of the continued custody of incense also slack. Continue taking advantage of incense do not pay attention, one would go toward a wall, ah scared maid mouth open to speak. At this point, I saw a white flash, continued fragrant head against a soft thing on, and then they heard the bump, something fell to the ground. Continued Hong opened his eyes and saw a white dog lying on the floor, legs constantly twitching, his eyes are piteously at her, tears streaming out of the drop by drop. Continued incense never seen the dog will shed tears, this is a dog in humanity! It saved his own life ah! Continued Hong forget suicide, simply immersed hold the dog up and stroked its belly, where the top hit has been made green. Continued fragrant hot towel called the maid to quickly get to it before putting, and then gently massaged. White dog obedient to the renewal in accordance with Hong's arms, closed his eyes. Hong would like to continue, this is my husband? You either how wonderful dogs. A few days later, incense has been added to take care of the dog. Dogs slowly recovered over. That day, Liu expansive came to the continued incense that a wedding today. Then, there is maid to her face, open face, hair, hair, put on new clothes, then we would help out weddings. Hong continued to go out and refusing. Liu expansive look, afraid of big day to come up with something ominous, say a free-free. Hong continued quietly to a pair of scissors hidden in the pillow, to prepare the evening and Liu expansive fight to the bitter end. Night, to come in Zuixun Xun Liu expansive drink, and see continued incense, louboutin, like wolves, rushed over, we must off her clothes. Hong continued to work out scissors from the pillow, blasted towards Liu expansive bar to the chest. This expansive wine is drunk Liu put in more, [url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk]moncler[/url], can not be confused, see the scissors over the bar, freeing the left hand, one grasped the right wrist continued incense, and then snatched the scissors with the right hand, on the floor , with a laugh: little beauty, with me playing this, you still inexperienced. Hong said as he continued to tear the clothes, incense continued struggling, fight and bite, to no avail, and soon there is no strength in them. Hong thinking tonight will continue humiliation, extreme anger can not help. Just at that moment, I saw a mass of white stuff under the bed sprang, and then I heard them howling Liu expansive. Liu expansive looked back, is his dog bite on his leg, the blood was streaming down the pants down. Liu expansive cursed them, but this dog like crazy, barking at him straight. He saw wrong, and quickly limped to escape out. Hong continued to hold the dog bed, touched his back hair, and asked: What's your name? The dog actually shook his head. People can understand the words! Continued incense excited and says: You saved my life several times, call you Baolong it. Dog nodded. The next day, Liu expansive servant told the dog poisoned. Mix over the meat to take up the poison, and can be sniffed is Baolong eat. What methods are used servant, and useless. Liu expansive had to personally come up with a deadly trap, the trap Baolong, and pull into the yard, called the servant to take a stick, ready to hang up and killed. Suddenly he saw someone shout: Stop! The original is continued incense. She said Liu expansive, as long as you let him, I told you. Baolong anxious throbbing. Liu Xiang continued expansive hold the chin, that if you play tricks again, I'm going to your little life! Hong added that, you have to give me three days. Liu expansive agreed, then called the servant to Baolong locked up. In the evening, added incense sleep, thinking about ways to deal with. She would like to think, ah, unwittingly came to a place where a beautiful, floating clouds, it is beautiful. Then from the air and floated to a Hefatongyan old man, just listen to he said: children, close your eyes, come with me,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com]Moncler Outlet[/url], waved his hand only, continued to feel incense floating up, the wind blowing gently ear. Before long, the old man said: to, this is the Ling Yin Shan, a mountain cave, the cave there is a spring, called the springs back to shape, no matter what the animal, as long as the drink of the spring, you can change back to human form. Then, disappeared. Hong continued shouting: Seno! Seno! A rude awakening, originally had a dream. She dressed and get up, it is bright, Wan lazy stillness, just a dream scene in my mind more and more clear. She thought of Bonhams, suddenly had an idea. 3, Hill continued to find escape in Hong thought to die here, it is better to have a chance to escape, a dream of something, whether true or false, but also hope, as long as Baolong can change back to human form, but also desperate to find Ling Yin Mountain. Thought of this, she quietly went to the cage before release Baolong out, and then slipped back door, see unattended, open the door west away. Two out of the village, in front is a wilderness, and then move far away is the forest of. At this time, only to hear the voices behind the torch save action, added Liu Xiang is expansive with people known to the chase, ran like mad, to know that dark ridge road, run faster, keep wrestling, whining and anxious Baolong . Torch drawing near, it was discovered them, shouting: Here, you not run it! Baolong turned, and stood there not moving. Hong also met with continued turning stood still. Bonhams Hong Chong continued whining, meaning to her gallop, continued incense refused, saying: die with the dead! Baolong while shaking his head while waving a forepaw, continued incense or not to go. At this time, the torch has been to the front, Baolong shouting, rushed past, while biting, those who did not prepare, was bitten rickety, crying father Jiaoniang, lying on the ground get up again. Bonhams Hong opportunity and ran into the forest renewal, ran and ran, I do not know how much road running, and suddenly added Hong slipped and rolled down cushions Long boom. Hazy in Hong felt something continued licking his face, looked outside, the Baolong. The sky is red the sun, is beside the clear water, she found herself lying on a mountain stream, the Xiangpaqilai can be covered in severe pain, unable to move. Baolong see her wake up and left. Soon, he returned a lot of thousand grass, the grass in his mouth and chewed and then deposited in the renewal of Hong injured areas. Continued to run away shoes, fragrance, and does not have a good two feet of meat, Baolong to apply the medicine is good, went to her to adopt some wild fruit to eat, so take care of the renewal of incense. After a week, continued fragrant injury miraculously better. She compiled a pair of straw sandals, and Bonhams continued on our way. They climbed mountains, I do not know, how many difficulties and obstacles, one day, came into a mountain. This mountain will not see the light, chi dense, very dangerous, several more animals called, endless horror. Suddenly a strong wind blowing, people blink. After the wind, added incense looked outside, a large white tiger black lines open Xuepentaikou she lunged forward, seeing the front paws on the front, and Meng heard the roaring sound Baolong, rushed to the White Tiger, two bite a heap. Continued Hong moment froze there, I do not know what to do. So her wake up, Bonhams is covered in bloodied. Continued incense anxious, saying anything shouting: I fight with you! One hit to go to the White Tiger! This poor weak woman, to save Baolong, do not hesitate to die juxtaposition. This fragrant white tiger was added a hit, actually turned into an smoke and disappeared. Look at Bonhams, is dying, air as gossamer. Bonhams Hong pick up the added step by step going forward, see a cave, go down to Bonhams, beating the nose, has been barely able to breathe. Continued fragrant burst into tears, wondering since the escape Liujiazhuang has received much distress, Nine Lives, and now not found Lingyin Hill, Bonhams will die from, and how willing heart! I must save him! Bonhams Hong continued against the mouth, a mouth to suck blood out of dirt. That bloody dirty smell of fish, the smell must be disgusting, let alone to suck! Incense smoke continued seven days and nights, in the end, that have some bloody smelly, and added incense still did not give up. When the smoke coming out of the last bloody thing, a miracle happened: Baolong slowly with the breath, then opened his eyes: to see the tears are turning Hong continued to flow out, suddenly, her eyes closed, back in the on the ground. 4, the deformation margin continued to talk about Hong wake up, I saw nothing Baolong, this is a happy thing, can not listen to the tears flow out. Bonhams also followed weeping, two think of the way of suffering, a cry. Continued Bonhams Hong and continued on our way, along the way to ask a lot of people do not know where Lingyin mountain. Bonhams Hong continued to see his face gaunt, harsh, washed her and shook his head, refused to go, which means do not go, and so live in the deep forests down, had a good life in Taoyuan. Continued incense refused to give up on the Bonhams said, is to find the ends of the earth, I have to find, so you change back to original shape, as my husband. Bonhams is moving. Hong's sincerity may be continued touched God, they are almost in despair, a mountain in front of renewal of incense, which is continued Ling Yin Hong dream tall mountain. Bonhams Hong and continued climbing and on, hard to find back-shaped hole. Continue holding the incense water hyacinth, it is necessary hole for water. Suddenly, sprang from the hole a constrictor call, open Xuepentaikou, a Hong swallow continued to put into it. Bonhams and ran to save, it was too late. Hong continued to feel the cold along Heigulongdong python belly slowly sliding, while there a glimmer of light, see a hole, she drilled out. Then Baolong has arrived, pythons have disappeared, I saw the scars along the way continued incense are not, and more beautiful than before. Continued back to Hong-shaped water filled with water hyacinth, rushed to Baolong drink. Bonhams has a drink, on pain rolling on the ground. How is it? Is this water toxic? Hong added that he did not dare to drink, everything conceivable dream come true, then should I believe Seno, then, gave a second mouth Baolong drink. Baolong stopped rolling, franklin marshall, lay there twitching in pain, I saw the scalp cracking, and skin slough in the down, the blood flow out, exposing dense white meat. Hong continued to drink and gave him a third port, Bonhams is no longer move, no breath. Hong added that he would like not to drink too much, poisoned, and very sorry. Bonhams Hong guarding continued, three days and three nights, she could no longer support him, and fainted. I do not know how long, it was while pushing telling them: continued incense, wake up! She opened his eyes and saw a handsome young man standing in front. Hong continued to ask who you are? How do you know my name? Young man said, I was Baolong Yeah. Hong Huo continued to stand up, surprised and asked,[url=http://www.moncler-online.de/]Moncler Outlet Online[/url], you are Bonhams? Baolong straight nod. Hong continued flapping about in his arms, beat his hand on the shoulder, whining cry away. Experienced a number of days and nights, how many times experienced the difficulties and obstacles, experienced the death of many secondary life and death, and now finally the results, abercrombie and fitch paris, how can we not cried! Baolong touched her hair, on the continued incense that we should be happy ah. Hong added that happy happy, so smile through tears, or still be in the flow of tears. Bonhams Hong hug continued to sit down and talk to her own past lives and reincarnation will change how the dog. Past originally called Qi Wenxuan Baolong is scholar, the official state capital, and his upright, covered with upright, honest life, should go to heaven after death, and with the DPRK's official feast Di Gou is bullying people, greedy villain of the large This should be hell. I know now of heaven and hell bribery was rampant, and Gou Yan Di with a large amount of money to that tube dead registration and distribution of the whereabouts of a small god, evil evil bought these little gods, evil evil will Qiwen Xuan and Gou Yan Di tune the package, make Qi Wenxuan play into hell. Qi Wenxuan complain to heaven, but I do not know Gou Yan Di are to the silver layers, all joints were opened up, told to court to have been dismissed. Qi Wenxuan dissatisfied, to report to the Jade Emperor in front of go, the Jade Emperor was in charge of this and other little things, even the sides meet again, to seeing them too, no alternative but to enter hell. Can be ruthless, this transfer package, originally Qi Wenxuan reincarnation is for the owner, abercrombie and fitch, has become a dog, Gou Yan Di reincarnated as a dog has become a master, which is now Liu expansive. Baolong exclaimed, as long as the world all speak good repair past life, future generations will be able to enjoy life. They know that heaven and hell where the black! Continued incense listening, feeling endless. For Bonhams said, you now finally misery, do not they have honored the rescue? Bonhams said, just as corrupt as the world has clean government, heaven and hell, God is also a good ghost. I do know is a good ghost, it was very uneven, read my later book, I reveal a little mystery, that I was reborn as a dog, it still has a chance, the key is to see if he can not grasp, every opportunity is a death in the face, the slightest mistake will come to naught, and said that there will be one full help, the two concentric to save the day. Hydrangea see you throw the day, I think this is an opportunity, they desperately try to steal the. Bonhams Hong hammering continued that, you bad, so you are premeditated. What happens after we do that? Good ghost refused to say, because it is full of hardships and danger, careless step would be finished. You may have to endure hardship preparation ah. Hong added that, as long as with you, no matter how tough I am not afraid of hard! Bonhams Hong tightly in his arms to continue. 5, the successful candidates in Quebec and continued Bonhams Hong non-pro can be cast, they talk down, or go to the capital better, there is the foot of the emperor, prosperous peace, living is easy. So the two hell and high water, after many hardships, came to the capital rented a house, let us stay. Hong man continued to do needlework, Baolong help people fight to work, life gradually gaining momentum. Hong added that we have not married, sharing a house, fear was a joke, as the wedding do. Bonhams said you suffered a hardship for me, I must obtain fame, Fengfengguangguang to marry you, chattering away on a wedding. Thus, this Baolong studying day and night, with past life is the scholar, people are smart, three down, is learning-rich five cars. This year, two-year-old Hong added, Bonhams said the exams this year, if the high school, we have a wedding, a sizeable double celebration. Continued incense every day looking forward to an early final exams. Test period has finally arrived, Baolong all the way through, carefully selected, broke into the successful candidates. Successful candidates, the subject called Baolong think of earth, heaven and hell, the drawbacks, so will it be summed up, one by one statement, propose a solution, informative, waved his Sasa wrote a thousand words. Baolong examiner met the papers, secretly amazed, reported to the emperor delineated. The emperor saw, actually put it down, even the good article! Good article! I still think it toward the other people. A first batch immediately Yubi pro champion, and thanks to a mansion. Results to be published this day, has long been reported to Pegasus. Baolong once lived in a small alley excited, the people surrounded in tiers, thronged to see the champion Lang's style. Guanci open drinking crowd, supporting Bonhams launched, Phi Hung wounded travel to the city. Tour the city back, Guanci helped Baolong move new homes. The neighbors have come to a small alley off, have sent eggs, red dates are sent to a renewal of incense moved straight to tears. Hong Wang aunt pulled a neighbor's hand refused to release continued, whining that: I know this child showing great promise, your life good, repair past life are a blessing, often come back later to see my old woman. Continued hanging incense tears, said: Ma'am, I will never forget the years that you care for us, I Huichang Lai to see everyone. Carriage is gone, people still gather there waving, abercrombie, refused to disperse. Bonhams and added incense to the new home, a look which is a mansion, the door to the emperor on the question of Qingfeng Ge three characters, Baolong it is like. Butler and servant met the new owner up, just busy to go. Taking advantage of this stock festive, fragrant Bonhams and continued to do a wedding. News spread, a few consecutive days, Beijing officials have high school together, and the second place, third overall and so a group of upstart wish He Xinxi and trouble to come to the government. That day, several people came, Bonhams and renewal of incense actually shocked to see: one of them was actually Liu expansive! It turned out that the uncle Liu expansive official in the capital, through the relationship between bribe the examiner, got questions, asked people to do the article, written in advance of clothes in the side, quietly opened the clothes exam cheating, he did list. Liu expansive thought I could make this new division champion for the future have a care of officialdom, it's about a few new son to come to Hershey, want to see continued Hong exceedingly familiar feel, but can not remember a time where seen, looked at long time, suddenly remembered and continued to escape like incense, but she is more beautiful now than before, added a bit more rich and elegant. So he tentatively asked Bonhams: Sao Furen but called the continued good? Baolong afraid he tangled, say that they are called autumn charge. Continued to see Liu Xiang expansive, gas is not one to play, hard to beat him stick out meal may be fear of being seen through his identity, stir up trouble, had Peizhexiaolian entertainment. Liu expansive one such walk, continued to a Hong Pooh, for Bonhams said: This guy seems to recognize me, how do? Heart can not help but give birth to a trace of anxiety. Bonhams said: afraid, is not that time, he did not know my bottom line, I is the new champion, he can me how? Hong said the man continued vicious, and some background, or prevent a good point. This is not Liu expansive dry down to dishonest really Marketer, champion soon find out about his wife, the Trustee is called continued incense. This Baolong not know me, why conceal his wife's name? That which is bound ghosts! Hong added that the thought of the appearance of Allure pour country, was originally his wife, now actually made someone else's wife, is not too happy, even harm from the lovelorn, the day Chafanbusi, trance, pestering his uncle find a way to to continue picking incense. See Liu expansive about his uncle dying, I thought the event would have happened, well explain to his brother, had promised. He asked Liu expansive: Husband continued fragrance is that the new Division champion Baolong it? Liu said it is expansive. Liu expansive uncle for a long time in official circles, and his shade fraud, immediately thought for a long, abercrombie, suddenly Yipaidatui said: I got it! Night drafted a memorial, the emperor gave himself for Korea. Can not help but read the emperor was furious. That day, it was about to enter early in the morning Baolong Zoushi toward the outside to a policeman Guanci team, led by imperial edict to start, read aloud and said: Emperor Chao said: ignore the infinite royal Baolong new division champion, even deliberate conspiracy, outrageous , immediate custody. Chin this. Then throw the sacred Baolong. Baolong moment on in amazement. Policeman without any explanation, risking Baolong left. Continued chasing Hong crying in the back: Baolong! Baolong! Front of a black and pitched down to the ground. 6, Bonhams is the Meridian Gate Wenzhan into prison, put on a prison uniform, escorted to the Tushen Zhili town hall. Presiding officer Jiaohu side, see the prisoners brought to, and a film gavel, Duan loud: Here's what people kneel? Letters are not fast on the name! Baolong eleven replied. Hu said that your client is new division champion, why not think to serve, but to rebellion. Bonhams said, meaning there is no rebellion. Hu said the end, it was Memorial on your mob conspiracy, wanted the emperor to real thing itself, you do not want to rebellion, why name Bonhams, the name is what people take. Until then, Baolong know his name is to blame. The question, really do not know how to answer Bonhams, said his wife continued Katori, right laugh for fear of people in the world, people would not believe, like a long time, suddenly remembered the dream continued that Hong speak, answer is immortal thanks. This was really listening to Wu-side preposterous, it seems you do not see a coffin is moved to tears, the moment called Oibara serve, to a Baolong play Pikairouzhan, fainted several times, can go to trial to trial, or that Baolong sentence. The results of the emperor sitting reminders, Hu end no alternative but to report truthfully. After listening to the emperor felt a little strange, went to court hearings. Baolong Again, the emperor asked whether he could confirm that the gift of immortal name. Baolong shook his head. The emperor was furious and ordered the launch of the Meridian Gate beheaded. Hong said continued woke up, rushed to ask around the whereabouts of Baolong can find out where to get, make money because as someone said, pointing. Baolong just high school soon, and that to the money left, only to sell more appliances Hong continued to Ching and cell layers of the money, and finally asked to name Bonhams is because, contrary to the emperor, committed a capital offense of treason, will charge Meridian Gate waiting to cut. Continued anxious incense, drums innocence. Hu side Shengtang, and ask the Bonhams Hong's wife continued to husband Jianlu, said the case is broken by the emperor, now closed, called the runners to continue Hong boom out. Hong continued to call every day, should not be called to nowhere, disheveled in the street crying injustice, Qi Su stupid emperor, the emperor to be sued. This is really 吃了豹子胆 it! To watch the crowd surrounded her, like to see drama like, thought she was crazy. Just then, only to hear the Luo Xiang, someone shouted to avoid. A luxury Guanjiao in guards and surrounded by servants over a lift. Immediately spread out to the crowd, continued fragrant see real rub, ran past the car before kneeling, loud Jianlu. Guards should be continued incense away, only to hear the cry was heard inside the car: slow! And then asked her who, she said is the new champion's wife continued incense. The car in a long sigh: what are your injustice, who sued. Hong said the emperor continued indiscriminate white, cut off their own spouses treason and sentenced to death, to sue the emperor worthless lives. The car in person yelled and said: bold! On your words, but also the beheading! You are not afraid of death? Continued Hong sneer: if not rescued husband, I mean live there have long been indifferent to life and death, the emperor with the names of people off the rebellion, so stupid, how can we control the world! Car? Jiannashuidan party broke Guinankayu Luguaxingshang said ù Huizhangfeidong Huanbonaying Huanliehuangyu Quqixinqu> hip left Haochongshaoxiong crude Jiankenkuise Haohuixiongcu Jianyitushi Jibengnuli Jiapiaoyishua Shixiannangye Yinjiezhengpiao Yisongshuashi Ganchiyinhuang ā = Wenchenshuoyao Aihangjiwei ≈ Huantunwuyong Houfenbeiji excuse to チ? continued the car in Hong hurriedly asked others who have said to see the chair should recognize is that when justice is done towards the prime minister. This prime minister had read the thousand words Baolong policy, the new division champion of the scholarship is very appreciated, that the name he was convicted, but Richard was told black people like, you know is innocent, he wanted to intercede, who knows the emperor personally settle a lawsuit, which Bonhams has said their names were not clear, for fear getting himself into trouble, was the emperor as the party of treason, there is no sight. Have listened to continue fragrant words, think she must take to clarify the facts and, therefore, willing to take a chance. Hong added a little sigh of relief, it seems that with the dawn. At this time, paving the way they hear some people, a team of warriors escorted a van over. People in the car had been tortured without human form, as if passed out of the first low-passed. Hong continued to read, actually Baolong, cried and ran toward the van. Baolong heard someone shout, only opened his eyes,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Boots Sale[/url], looking around, see the renewal of incense has been warriors caught, not near, they struggled to fight full body strength, shouted: wife take care of yourself! Not to my mind, the good people find good families live, do! Continued Hong cried: Do not! Die with the dead! Their love of their King, miserable exceptions, marvel at the crowd of men and women have followed the tears. Recognize that there's a new van is on the division champion, along with some people though it is sad sigh Unfortunately, there is very little daring injustice, how will the new Division champion said rebellion, carried away the-court really! Bonhams were then transferred to the Meridian Gate of execution, only to be one quarter to noon, immediately Wenzhan. Warrior crowd were blocked in the execution ground, the continued Bonhams Hong only afar off, think of this prime minister to a lot of hour, how no news, my heart anxious as ants on a hot pan. Three times only to hear the cannons, Jian Zhanguan will throw a red sign the floor and cried, and cried: execution! Bonhams's head on the executioner will be the case of slots, in his neck a little water on the film, said: Today is your next year's memorial day, no wonder to me. Said Albert, put to the sword high above his head shining, toward Baolong neck cut off. Continued incense screamed, fainted. 7, the complications in this critical juncture, the sudden, I hear far came Daoxialiuren consecutive calls, the executioner's knife in the air suddenly stopped, onlookers are relieved. A horse flew on to, and immediately jumped from a warrior, the emperor personally hand-written word to Jianzhan Guan probation, the Queen said to him, immediately went to the emperor. Hong has been added wake up, others did not tell her execution, while the emperor went to. Continued incense bittersweet, all of a sudden to the effort, stood up and ran on to Bonhams. Guard of soldiers to know is the new champion's wife, seeing Bonhams will avoid the death penalty, do not want too difficult for her, happy to be a good person, to put her in the past. This leading-volt documented treasure slot die with eyes closed, but there is no knife down, but also faintly heard someone call Daoxialiuren, which they heard someone call his name, such as renewal of incense, like a dream in general, then raised his head to, is really a look disheveled wife ran crying from stumbling. Continued incense to him, and they hold together, burst into tears, visibly moved heaven and earth. Bonhams said that I thought never see you again. Hong added that, I told the emperor, while here with the emperor reasoning. Win, Jon has saved. Lose, and you end their lives. Baolong heard shocked, that you told the emperor alone this one is a capital offense, there won, abercrombie and fitch, to catch his wife why the life, you are so young, is to live well. They are saying, Hu Bao Queen's drive to the emperor. It turned out that the emperor listened to the prime minister's report it is also extremely surprised, did not think some people have dared to sue their own world, thinking dignified monarch of a country, but on a civil woman afraid to kill too late when the two one, so that people as headed. Thus, the messenger of probation. Queen was also present, but also want to meet this extraordinary woman. Queen's in prison, cut the emperor seated on stage, told with added incense up. Continued incense came knees greeting. The emperor said, looked up and saw a handsome face, wearing little tears, like rain budding tender charge, a spread of black hair like waterfalls, really ethereal, lovely, exclaimed the emperor mind: how to Sannomiya six homes do not have such beauty, it can not help a bit distracted, it seems that Bonhams is damn. Long time before the emperor recovered, said: you name Baolong husband is wanted to be emperor, rebellion has been plain as to expose the heart, what you say? Hong added that the person's name, as the symbol itself has no practical significance, how the name with conviction? If you named the moon, is not that he should come off the moon? The emperor countered that the moon does not necessarily won down, but take note of this name will have the heart. Long on behalf of the emperor, called Bonhams, just want to become emperor. Hong added that according to the emperor put on, but the name Bonhams is the gift of Seno, meaning intended for the emperor escort. The word is too obvious for security, so I used the word homonym treasure, how can you say it is treason? Since it is the name of the emperor said Seno, thanks to the evidence? Hong husband continued to save, but also gave so much, Liu expansive force from the pro-talk, to throw Hydrangea, how late at night to escape, to find Ling Yin Shan, how deformed, admitted to the champion, and so lay it to say, Emperor and Empress could hear a group of ministers into the fans. Continued incense finished, the emperor pondered quite a while, immediately heralds Liu expansive cross-checks. Liu expansive to Baolong after I heard his dog champion change, anger and hate, one denied that it exists. Said the emperor Liu expansive, you have to listen carefully, and if you do not tell the truth, is misled his majesty, to Manmenchaozhan. Baolong Liu expansive bent set to kill, so that his every word is real. See Liu expansive denied the emperor, ordered the beheading of Bonhams, added incense into the death row. Continued Hong said: Wait a minute, I have returned home form water, such as the animal can change back to human form, to prove I said is true. Queen one to the interest, like they have a white cat, all day hold in your hand, if can become a man as handsome as Bonhams, how wonderful that the moment called Hui Gong to people to hold the cat a try. Hong side continued to be dragged home to take the water hyacinth. Continued hold over Hong cat, give him drink the first mouth, the cat will roll to the floor playing, how to refuse a drink. Hong can not continue, only doom forced open his mouth, filling the second port, which will crack the cat's scalp, he continued to forcibly fragrant filling a third port, the cat will no longer move, such as the dead general. Hong added that the place was three days and nights, in order to change back to human form. Emperor skeptical, commanded the soldiers carefully look after the cat, the Hong Baolong continued detention in the execution ground, said to look at the results of the third day, then go with the Queen Hui Gong. Bonhams and added incense locked by chains, the two stared at the cat, watching him change, may have no movement. Over the next day, it is unable to go, hit for a while sleepy. After the third day, the emperor and prime minister at Queen's have come such a group of ministers, a Look at the cat not only has not changed, has died, the emperor can not help but furious, I thought this cunning woman, dared to tease Guaren, ordered a couple Baolong death, his heart could not bear to continue incense, hoping people come forward to plead for her, beating her excuse. Bonhams and renewal of incense were brought to the guillotine, the executioner's knife has been lifted, and still no one knows the emperor's mind, seeing the beauty of children on the sword to do a ghost, the emperor could not help but simply said: pity! Executioner's knife just want to fall, to hear the people shout: slow! Daoxialiuren! I saw a man flying from hand skin a cat, kneel before the emperor, said: I am the queen of the white, that day, I drank a third saliva, you passed out, then I woke up, but can not move, still dark, I heard someone saying something quietly with the guards, then took me and a white tone of the package, the chaos outside my Lindao throw on the Shek Kong. After I changed back to human form, knowing that bad, so hard to come. Queen handed him to skin the cat, look, one more left toe, and she is his cat, and asked him some of their own living habits, the answer was no less. Related articles:

