
UGG UK SaleEconomies of scale

enterprise economies of scale

defines the characteristics of economies of scale, economies of scale, economies of scale because the definition of the main types of economies of scale advantages of economies of scale of economies of scale factors constraining achieve economies of scale of economies of scale to determine the method of approach 1, 2 analysis and calculation method of accounting, engineering, law refer to the learning curve experience diseconomies of scale economies of scope definition of microeconomics

economies of scale (economies of scale) Definition: As production increased level of specialization and other reasons, the unit cost down to business, to form the company's long-term average costs decrease as production increases and the economy. Are resources technology (a subject), resource economics (two subjects).



scale, while the marginal benefit is gradually decreased, even below zero, become negative. Reasons causing this phenomenon may be due to scale and internal structure more complex, this complexity will consume internal resources, and this depletion of the scale of the mutual benefits to be cut, resulting in the phenomenon of diseconomies of scale . Economics, with a total cost curve and average cost curve, the two curves are concave upward. This means that the intersection of two curves of the existence of optimal size. Before reaching the optimum size, the larger the better, as Experience the learning curve experience curve or learning curve, also known to improve the experience curve is a representation of production per unit time and continuous relationship between the production units curve. Learning curve effect and the closely related experience curve effect express the relationship between experience and efficiency. When individuals or organizations in the acquisition of a task more experience, they will become more efficient. These two concepts from the English proverb: Microeconomics is also sometimes referred to as price theory (Price Theory), the main study of individual consumers, businesses, industries or economic behavior, and their production and income distribution. The basic concepts of microeconomics scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand, elasticity, consumer and producer surplus,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG UK Sale[/url], plus the total personal needs (or demand). Economies of scope Economies of scope are conceptually similar to economies of scale. Whereas economies of scale primarily refer to efficiencies associated with supply-side changes, such as increasing or decreasing the scale of production, of a single product type, economies of scope refer to efficiencies primarily associated with demand-side changes, such as increasing or decreasing the scope of marketing and distribution, of different types of products. Economies of scope are one of the main reasons for such marketing strategies as product bundling, product lining, and family branding. Atlas Atlas entry for more pictures economies of scale (economies of scale) the definition of economies of scale, economies of scale (economics of scale), also known as interests Scale refers to the production batch, there are two specific cases, one is the same production equipment condition, namely, the production capacity of the same production batch in case of changes, the other is the condition that the production capacity of production equipment production volume changes change. The size of the concept of economies of scale refers to the latter, that along with the emergence of the expansion of production capacity expansion of production volume, and which have to save the economy, efficiency, meaning benefits. According to the authoritative dictionary of economics, including Musharraf explained, economies of scale means: under the conditions of a given technology (the absence of technological change), for a product (whether it is a single product or composite products), if in some production fall within the range or average cost is rising, then we think there is economies of scale (or economic). The same as in the marginal benefit, in an area where it meets the economies of scale. Specific performance of the ). The definition of universal banking will thus derived from economies of scale. Characteristics of economies of scale decline in long-term cost curve is not infinite, the lowest point of the curve as the minimum ultimate size; efficiency is improved, is called economies of scale; and when the expansion of production beyond a certain size, manufacturers continue to to expand production scale, will lead to economic decline, called diseconomies of scale. The main idea of ​​the scope of economic theory is that if the joint production of several outputs of the production expenditure than they were spending less, then it says there is joint production economies of scope. College enrollment process, there's economies of scale and scope of economic phenomena is the basis of two theories can be applied. Mainly to increase college enrollment of students at school as a symbol, whether the improved economies of scale is a good measure of school effectiveness indicators that enrollment can reduce the cost of student training or research activities of the unit cost. At the same time, institutions of higher learning and research training activities as the main gathering place of production can also be seen as undergraduates, graduate students, research and other outputs of the enterprise, then, we need to consider the production of these outputs is more efficiency or joint production more efficient, that is, the output range of economic diversity is the basis of the study because of economies of scale 1, specialization, starting from the writings of Adam Smith, it is recognized that the division can improve efficiency. Larger businesses, the division of labor must be more detailed; 2, learning effect, as production increases, workers can increase the proficiency and efficiency; 3, can effectively undertake research and development costs; 4, transportation, ordering raw materials and other aspects of the economy; 5, a strong position on the price negotiations. The main types of economies of scale, there are three main types: 1, internal scale economies. Refers to the size of an economic entity in its own internal changes caused by the increased earnings; 2, the scale of the external economy. Refers to the entire industry (production) scale changes resulting from increased earnings of individual economic entities. Such as: industry scale, may reduce the various companies within the industry, production costs,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG UK Sale[/url], and thus obtain the corresponding benefits. 3, the structure of economies of scale. Economic entities of all sizes and the ratio of the link between the formation of certain economies of scale structure: scale structure enterprises, economic union scale structure, urban-scale structure. In general, economies of scale is divided into two categories: First, from the equipment, production lines, process and other points of known plant economies of scale. Reasons for its formation are: ① the use of advanced technology, equipment, large-scale, specialization, the implementation of mass production, can reduce the unit product cost and equipment investment; ② the implementation of mass production methods, will help to achieve product standardization, specialization and generalization (usually called the product of Second, the company economies of scale, that a number of factories formed by horizontal and vertical co-operating entities. Not only can bring the cost per unit of product, reduce material consumption, to obtain it has a stronger competitive edge. In actual production, the two equally important economies of scale, but more emphasis on the industrial geography of the latter. Advantage of economies of scale 1. To achieve harmonization and standardization of product specifications. 2 by large quantities of raw materials, leaving the unit purchase costs. 3 will help managers and engineers and technicians specialized and streamlined. 4 is conducive to new product development. 5 has a strong competitive edge. Restricting the size of economies of scale factors, economic factors are: 1, natural conditions, such as the decision to field the size of oil reserves; 2, material and technical equipment, chemical equipment and devices such as the ability to influence the scale chemical enterprises; 3, socio-economic conditions, such as financing, marketing, labor, transportation, professional collaboration on the impact of firm size; 4, social and political history of conditions. Scale in the economic entity, the increase in production is less than the increase in the proportion of inputs, diminishing returns, that is, diseconomies of scale. In a market economy, production and management are always pursue economies of scale, to avoid diseconomies of scale. Pursuit of economies of scale, achieve best value for money studies and the constraints of a reasonable size and a variety of different linkages between the economies of scale and proportion, to reveal trends in the structure of economies of scale, seeking to establish the optimal size of the structure of the main principles and strategies , for the development of social productive forces of great importance. Enterprises to achieve economies of scale means there are two ways to achieve economies of scale, one knowledge base and business by entering a synergistic effect in the product market diversification; two leading products of both companies along the value chain, vertical integration of the merger. The pursuit of economies of scale will lead to the emergence of large and diversified business development, which in Germany and the U.S. chemical industry is indeed a common phenomenon. Method for determining the economies of scale by expanding the scale of economies of scale to the performance, through the rational allocation of production factors to enable enterprises to get the best value for money. Enterprise economies of scale through the scale of business should be analyzed to determine its optimal economies of scale, economies of scale in accordance with the organization of production and business activities in order to enable enterprises to maximize economic efficiency. Economies of scale refers to the technical organization of production in certain conditions, the rational allocation of production factors, which enable enterprises to gain economic benefits of production capacity. When the economic benefits to achieve the best state corresponding to the economies of scale, economies of scale. To determine the best cost-effective way to many companies, here are several routine methods. 1, accounting analysis and calculation method of accounting method is different at different times on the same scale of business costs, enterprises of different sizes or the cost of the same period, profits of comparative analysis to determine the method of corporate economies of scale. Accounting, including a variety of specific methods, commonly used methods are: (l) short-term cost in the short-term cost method is the expansion of existing businesses before the short term, only the adjustment of raw materials and labor input volume (without adjustment of fixed assets the amount of investment), and its volume of output corresponding to the various costs. Short-term cost method is actually a break-even analysis is based, so the actual work is divided into short-term costs to variable costs and fixed costs, profit is zero as the start of production scale, the maximum profit when the corresponding output known as the best economies of scale. (2) The minimum total cost method is the minimum total cost method possible through the development of a variety of annual programs, and analysis programs to calculate the total cost,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG UK Sale[/url], then the total cost of the program analysis and comparison, select one of the lowest total cost annual program is the best economies of scale. Mathematical expression of this method are as follows: F (Q) = C (Q) + S (Q) + I (Q) * E (d) where F (Q): annual total cost of Q; C ( Q): annual cost of production of Q; S (Q): All products shipped to consumers the cost of I (Q): new, expanded business all the necessary investment; E (d): coefficients of investment results. The formula shows that the technical organization of production in certain conditions, to achieve annual output of Q, the annual economies of scale required to pay the total cost, which includes the production and circulation process the payment, in the standard should be assessed each year payback period of capital investments and loan interest. (3) the minimum cost function method, the minimum cost function method is based on the company's economies of scale, subject to internal and external factors, and internal and external factors and constraints related to the objective laws, and the mathematical expression: F (Q) = V (Q) + D (Q) + G (Q) where F (Q): The total cost per unit of product function; V (Q): unit cost function within the enterprise; D (Q): unit cost function outside the enterprise; G (Q): unit of product related to internal and external cost function. Use planning on the method of solving the above equation the variables Q, resulting in optimized business value of annual output of Q, that is, to obtain the best economic benefit enterprise corresponding to the economies of scale (size of the business economy). Economies of scale to solve specific business best method is the cost function equation parameters when the amount of known conditions, the optimal solution, there are two cases: ① the cost function is non-binding conditions, the derivative of the cost function, and let F '(Q) = 0, that is,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG UK Sale[/url], find the optimal size of enterprises Q value. ② The total cost function with constraints, that under certain conditions, minimum requirements, then plan to use theory to solve, usually to establish the expression F (Q) the structural relationship of the three functions and a set of inequality constraints can use planning on the method for solving the variable-Q. Typically, the non-linear functions and inequalities, nonlinear programming method for solving required. (4) cost function the cost function method is a method of output under certain conditions, the optimal allocation of input elements, it will minimize the cost of production goals. Its mathematical expression: minC (Q) = PK * K + PL * L where C (Q): cost function; K: investment funds; L: labor input; PK: K invested the price; PL: The price of the labor L; use of mathematical optimization methods, to meet a certain level of output production function relationship can be found on the cost function C (Q) of the minimum point; to so many different levels of output connect the dots to get the optimal long-term cost curve; using curve fitting techniques, choose the appropriate function for curve fitting, has been described in both the internal relations of the production process, but also reflects the relationship between output and cost of long-term cost function. This approach reflects the recent wildly theoretical cost curve, the resulting economies of scale with the application of enterprise value. 2, the project method engineering method is based on production technology and process characteristics, the balance of production capacity under conditions that, considering the cost, transport, investment costs to determine the company's three initial size and optimal size. Listed a number of specific operations to be viable options. Calculate the cost of each of the three options, choose the minimum cost of the program for the calculation of a reasonable solution, corresponding to the production capacity of the program is called the best economies of scale enterprise. All of these approaches, in practice the application of certain value, due to economies of scale by many factors, therefore,[url=http://www.uggsaleuks.co.uk/]UGG UK Sale[/url], these approaches have limitations. Which short-term cost method, it is a static analysis, but only for short-term economic activity, so the applicability of the poor; minimum total cost method and the minimum cost function method, in practical applications due to cost affected by many factors , and thus the objective to find a stable and accurate data is very difficult, so establishing an accurate cost function is also difficult, so it is determined by the size of the economy will not be very accurate, only as a reference, provide a quantitative method, the actual work in conjunction with a variety of factors, considering the economies of scale may be determined more accurately; cost function approach is the application of mathematical models describe elements of the economic activities and enterprises in the intrinsic link between them and mutual economic and technical constraints of the law, From the mathematical point of view is the relationship of science and valuable, but in practical work, production and business activities are complex and delicate process, it is impossible to accurately describe the mathematical model the complex factors of production and operation processes. Therefore, the cost function method is a reference for policy makers to provide a quantitative analysis of value. Engineering method is the balance of production capacity from the perspective of equipment loading rate (or utilization) as the basis to determine the company's economies of scale, this method is based on the quality of technical personnel of enterprises, management quality, the quality of skilled workers, equipment technical quality, management quality of the state, taking into account the rational allocation of resources in order to determine the economic scale, the scale can truly reflect the status quo, and it is not necessarily the best benefits of economies of scale, that is not necessarily the economies of scale. In practice, the accounting method should be combined with a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise, and ultimately to determine a reasonable economies of scale, economies of scale enterprises. Reference diseconomies of scale diseconomies of scale (Diseconomies of scale) with the production economies of scale

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Further reading: 1

theories and methods of project evaluation, resource science and technology, resource economics, Article: With the technological progress and raising the level of the production process, and ultimately changing the scale; different industries because of different technical characteristics of its production, factories and businesses to use economies of scale are also different ways and forms. Diversification of the modern consumer demand and personalized, and thus did not make the loss of economies of scale. But by the product of the series and high integrity standards, the implementation of Study of economies of scale, is a regional industrial and rational distribution of industry in a wide range of important basis for adjustment. The number of people under the combinations of productive factors, changes in requirements of the law, consciously choose and control the scale of production, increase production and obtain lower costs, and get the best value for money. Economies of scale or productivity of the economy of scale, is to determine the optimal scale of production problems. Economies of scale, economies of scale, including department, the city economies of scale and economies of scale enterprise. Economics in the West, economies of scale primarily used to study the business economy. But as important areas of economics productivity, economies of scale meaning is broader, which includes the energy from the macro to the micro-economic benefits of economies of scale at all levels. The definition of economies of scale of economies of scale generally defined as the initial stage, leaving manufacturers due to the expansion of production scale economies of scale economies Baike card Related articles:

