
beats tourCommunity residents to alleviate the hardship of lost ground after having been accused of

Since 1994, the city of Shenyang districts since the wave of urbanization gradually swept into the Niyama community, and in 2004 reached a climax. A 70-year-old community Niyama old man told reporters: .

community leaders under the name of several sets of is out of the north gate of the city of Qingdao. Chengyang area traffic developed, well-known Qingdao International Airport in Chengyang center. Community to the airport from the Niyama, the total distance is less than 10 km, and Niyama closer to the city center.

3,4 aged residents over the age of 60 calculations for the correspondent. Community Board on a monthly basis to According to Dr. Ji Hong residents in the community meeting to say, the amount of each village is $ 50 per month, this month may be paid in rice, oil may be issued next month, there may be eggs, noodles and so on. According to this standard, monthly expenditure on welfare of the community did in 16 million. But in fact, the villagers paid a monthly subsidy, such as 5 pounds or 5 pounds of rice noodles, its simply not worth 50 dollars. Moreover, distributed to residents in the hands of the bad things that often dishes, egg smell.

more people find difficult to understand is that the neighborhood committee has somehow been two fires, each fire, a large number of account information along with the disappearance.

predicament housing transactions Puzzles

It is a multi-party standing with 40 years old party members, in 2002, when he was the recruit Ji Xiang village cadres brother had an accident, Dr. Ji Hong Chouzhunshiji relevant departments on the streets of row Xiazhuang a pass , which makes the streets are a little afraid of her leadership. The end of 2003,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url], Dr. Ji Hong-mei industry following the brother, became deputy secretary of community Niyama. September 2004 about the leadership of the assigned Xiazhuang street, the move is positive Jixiang Cheng secretary. In December 2004, Dr. Hong Ji part-time community director. At this point, Dr. Ji Hong official

correspondent has found a few random household information. Chen called for a move residents told reporters that she was 70 square meters of housing have ready to hand, because it is the top of the attic, the price is only 18 million. If you are interested, you can apply for transfer to the residents registered with the Commission.

in Niyama community during the interview, the community is at a sensitive time. As the nearly 1,500 residents real name Ji Hong materials move angered, she launched his men, real name is intimidating residents reported negation sign materials. Reporters on the Niyama community residents interviewed more than 10 residents primarily in the evening for the residents of the home. But even though in the evening, but was interviewed who mentioned Interview in the end, all eyes were meteoric rise to many residents. Many residents told reporters: Justice Network correspondent Wu Ping)

an informed community residents told reporters: and his mother each set, three sets of cousin Dr. Giri.

several villagers showed reporters on behalf of a resident to the Commission's internal spending accounts, allegedly from the residents committee In a signed

mass lost ground with the residents do not match, due to increase

old before getting rich, being hollowed out

According to residents of the statistics, the actual expenditure of the residents monthly members only 5 million, $ 100,000 a month there is vulnerability, and

since called

is not open for the financial community anger, some of the villagers were asked to reflect requirements of information disclosure to the district. According to the villagers recalled, so far, the financial expenditures for community councils to be open only once, in April 2010 published financial expenditure, vehicle maintenance costs as high as 7.8 million, while the community is only two office vehicles.

community residents also told reporters reflect a strange phenomenon,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url], the last two years, community committees of 55 and 56 of the women and men aged 60, 61 have refused to apply for the monthly 192 yuan Currently residents have been affected by the more than 200 people.

without exception, the source of all the difficulties all point to a total party branch secretary, who is also the community and community residents committee Ji Hong, director of the move. Then recruit Ji Xiang is the sort of person? She is also step by step how to focus on one of the party and government power?

Zhong told reporters it, Niyama community predicament external sales house has sold almost, that she was now only one set of 12 six-story building, area is 126 square meters, priced at 370,000. The city people worried about security problems, it said Zhong,

two committees at the community meeting, after the same discussion, this community large sums of money to be used as two aspects: one is $ 50 per month to buy grain and other kind of way, as the community residents rations compensation, everyone has copies of the mouth of the residents later said is Another is the accumulation of pension funds as there are residents of the community's account, provided women 55 years of age, males 60 years old, you can be in the form of pension, the monthly 192 yuan, rural credit cooperatives to get through that. Landless rural living supplement.

The veteran also told reporters that the proposal would have led to a monthly grant of 300 yuan, but was recruited when he was deputy secretary of community opposition Ji Hong. Move in power in this seven-Hong Ji, community land development, financial expenses are very opaque. This year more than 200 community residents do not receive the

then the predicament room are distributed to community residents in the hands? Reporters got a copy of the predicament room tenants of residential property register. In this register, the reporter found that many people have multiple homes in the community. Which the total registered in the party branch secretary of the community and the community under the name of the main Renzhao Ji had three sets of incense, Building 3, Unit 3, respectively, of 601,701 and 702. And a man named Liu Gaofang even more alarming, with 10 housing units in Building 7.

view of a reporter for many years to receive the money the old residents of the community's account, the book on display, each quarter, 576 yuan of funds actually recorded. This two-year-old woman had just reached 55, 56 and 60, 61-year-old male residents of the residents have not yet this book.

nature of the land for housing predicament, ownership and transfer issues, correspondent to the trading center of Qingdao city real estate registration staff, told reporters: . Rebate housing land belongs to the collective land, collective land can not be transferred. Rebate room property registration, community-built residential building construction should be called the Village, can not be traded, can not transfer, there is a small property ownership, does not allow transfer, must be uniform over the registration of community committees, as long as the residents of this community is not sale of such property can not. sets predicament room. introduced by them to buyers who, 800-1000 per square meter per month only increase, it is easy to get community residents in this predicament room.

in this property list, a man named Wang Zhong its inhabitants attracted the attention of reporters, it is rare in number, are all the different floor There are housing tenants. Community residents also told reporters reflect, who partners with Dr. Ji Hong reselling nearly 10 suites. Reporters to buy a house in the name of its information to Zhong.

previously described the veteran community who said, in Qingdao, also facilitate higher levels of government guidance on community-based organizations. But did not think that is the

8 Building a people called Liu Xiaolong told reporters in Qingdao,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url], the Housing Office can not transfer, he was there from the community residents' committees to do the registration, registration is not the village's name, but his name, and signed the contract. He understood that these rooms do not currently registered property, the future if they can do, community residents committee in behalf of the owners of the service.

a community veteran mystery opened to reporters. In 2002, there had been a large-scale community land transfer 1,200 acres of land to the price of 253,000 yuan per mu transferred to the real estate development companies. Money at the time nobody knows for sure, the Meanwhile, the community also take 1,200 acres to plant, landless villagers to 8,000 yuan per mu of land acquisition compensation.

position in the consolidation of party organizations at the same time, in 2007, Dr. Ji Hong, director of the community in the general election, also staged a local bribery farce. According to reports, Dr. Ji Hong with a ballot 2000 yuan to 4,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url],000 yuan for the cost of buying the votes of many families. February 9, 2008, community residents Wangke You, Wang Jin brothers because of bribery by Dr. Ji Hong mother $ 2000 a dispute, this dispute has also been referred to the xiazhuang court was ruling. But this did not affect the move from farce to continue to re-Hong Ji, director community.

Correspondents Notes:

2004 years later, the community's residents no longer have land,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url], then living is how to maintain it?

Rebate does not solve people's real room housing difficulties
residents to Summer Zhuangzhen Dan Hill community of nearly 2,000 more than the fate of the people I thought would be changed forever. Unexpectedly, lost ground after the promise of Behind all this trouble, from the end of 2004, taking the secretary of the community and the community's director of power in a move Ji Hong, became the focus of local people silent resentment.

a veteran reporter from Niyama community to acquire a Rebate room only an application to purchase); 3, the second generation to live a less than four (with four) houses, and his son married or reach 18 years of age or older (the date of registration from the community); 4 , two female heads of households, living in one second less than four (with four) housing, and the woman is married or has reached the legal age of marriage, residence in the community.

recruit Ji Xiang did not know their own solid foundation, since 2004, Dr. Hong Ji began the development of new members to consolidate their position. According to this party introduced the new members many of these developments are very controversial, as there is a new party member surnamed Chen, also a month of regular reporting to the local police station. Later came to understand, he joined the party at a time when probation. In addition, the development of new party members, there are actually people outside the village. It is understood that Niyama number of party members from the community when in 2003 more than 80 to more than 110 now.

According to a participate in the the cost of not more than 800 yuan per square meter. In the be.

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