
Nest surface

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surface nest, one of the Wuhan local snacks, usually at breakfast time (Wuhan known as For four weeks altogether too thick, thin middle into a hole, concave shape, Wuhan people are not used to call it


Wuhan local snacks nest surface approach (fried) Material: Features: Process: essentials: Wuhan local snacks in fact with the It is not the ingredients of flour, ground rice most of the rice, but also add a certain percentage of soybean milk, green onion, fine salt. When fried with iron spoon, about 5 inches in diameter, surrounded by concave, central uplift, combined with another kind of spoon to scoop pulp into the nest surface spoon, scraping in the middle, then the pot, lower pulp cavity due to surface more,[url=http://www.sale-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Outlet[/b][/url], so hypertrophy, deep fry like a circle after circle, but it tastes, crisp, brittle, soft blend three senses. Technology can be a good teacher early nest surface into pieces,

Features collection nest surface (18) surface nest early history and other Wuhan as in fact can not test. One that is started in the Qing dynasty. Tsui Hankow Hanzhengjie set at home near a Maishao Bing, named Chang GML, see Mai Shaobing doing good business, wanted to create a new way to early varieties. After much pondering, he asked the blacksmith chipped a nest-shaped convex Tieshao, poured inside with rice, soybeans ground into a mixture of rice, sprinkled with black sesame seeds, into the pan fried, quickly make a a side of thick hollow circular yellow crispy rice cakes. People feel very chic, soft place to eat thick, thin at the crisp, great taste, Chang GML called side nest. However, the actual origin of the nest above there is no specific written records, only rumors. The current surface nest mainly in the streets of other cities of Wuhan and Hubei, the stalls, especially the old city of Wuhan Hankou taste authentic. Particularly in the Wuhan cities currently have some distinctive flavor makes for a surface nest. For example,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Boots Outlet[/b][/url], in the Ministry of Wuchang Freedom Lane, Xierong De fried surface nest, pay attention to ingredients, using a high-quality rice, mixed with a certain proportion of rice, with sesame oil, green onion, sesame, ginger seasoning. He spared no expense to make the face unique natural nest, put the pan on a fragrant taste is Jiaocui moderate, both crispy, which was hailed as the TSE side nest. But this is not the traditional side nest. In addition to rice nest nest surface, there are deep-fried peas nest, Surface of the nest either stand alone as breakfast food staple, can also become dry noodles, sake / eggnog, rice or

Other miscellaneous nest surface map (15) Soup mix of food, the latter to eat method is more extensive. Wuhan By the late 1990s to early 2000, dry noodles, noodles nest, Yuba and other food chain only by a number of companies and worked in Wuhan, the people living to the surrounding areas and other provinces. Even in other places have different names, such as the Jingzhou region known as the oil incense, fragrant oil and Wuhan are completely different things. Nest surface approach (fried) Ingredients: 4600 g of rice, beans 400 grams salt 100 grams, 500 grams green onion, ginger 100 grams, sesame seeds 50 grams, the appropriate oil (sesame oil mixed with the earlier no one's). Nest is not a traditional area of ​​flour and cake. Features: golden color, round nest type, the middle thin crisp focus, soft edge ring thickness, taste is, with onions, ginger, sesame fragrant, well-known. Process: 1. The rice into the pot washing with water to remove impurities, washed leaching,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com][b]title=Moncler Jackets[/b][/url], still into the basin, add soy 150

g, soaked with water to water penetration meters, Lek out (an electric mill and traditional stone of the points), ground into a fine paste. (2) the remaining 250 grams of water soaked soybeans to penetrate. Ground into soy milk, retained. 3 large rice milk poured into the container (usually a basin or bucket), add salt, green onion, ginger mix, and then the amount of soybean milk into the mix (fermented rice milk to promote foaming, usually begins when the fry start to join .) Some people can not control appropriate fermentation of rice milk, so adding more baking powder to make the nest soft surface, but changed the face nest alkaline baking powder flavor, not popular. 4 wok stir on the oil until the oil till the Bacheng heat (160-180 degrees), the Executive iron spoon round nest (middle protruding), sesame seeds thrown into the nest first low, then scoop a spoonful of rice milk release fossa, with a spoon to draw a spoon along the side of India, was like an empty pit of the stomach, into the pan fried until golden brown one side, pulls out Tieshao nest in rice, iron clamp real fire turning it over to fry until golden brown appear before two, with a branding iron tongs pliers. Essentials: 1. Rice, beans soak, the summer 3 hours, six hours in winter, spring and autumn four hours, depending on the temperature-dependent; 2 plus yellow rice milk to soy milk, plus the opportunity to be just right; 3 oil when frying temperature should not be too high, the operating speed, variable yellow Serve. More entries Atlas Atlas

nest collection surface characteristics (18)

other side nest miscellaneous Figure (15)

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