
Moncler StoreIn 2008the United States of Americafinancing trend of American economy in decline

In 2008the United States of Americafinancing trend of American economy in decline ,but for a growing company, 2008is still a lot offinancing opportunities .Text / Carol Tice looking for business expansion capital of entrepreneurs ,2007 is agood year .
According to PricewaterhouseCoopers ( Pricewaterh - ouseCoopers ) and the United States of America Venture Capital Association ( National Venture Capital Association ) jointly released the name &ldquo ;Moneytree Report&rdquo ;report shows :2007Americanrisk investment totaled $29400000000 ,including investment in the mature business amounted to 31% ,while in 2006 this ratio for 28%.
2007Americanrisk investment institutions invested more than 1100 mature enterprises,a total investment of more than $12000000000 .However ,the good times in this year can be sustained ?The University of New Hampshire ( University of New Hampshire ) Research Center Director Jeffrey Soule ( Jeffrey Sohl ) ,don the bank for your business can grow to provide financing to help .
Even the United States this year risk investment environment is very complex ,according to a April report ,this year first quarter of risk investment and speed marginally slower ,for the amount of $7100000000 ,compared to the same period in 2007 ,down 5% since 2001 .
However ,if a single quarter of the total amount of investment to count, the number can still be ranked fifth .Thor also stressed that ,is to raise capital for growth enterprises, especially from angel investors ,VC and PE where access to capital of entrepreneurs, the United States this year is still active .
Entrepreneur magazine interviewed many people also said ,there is still a large number of funds are looking for involvement in those with a value of the investment opportunity for companies .
In Arizona ,PDI consulting company ( Profit Dynamics Inc ) President Brian Hill ( Brain Hill ) also saw a large number of wealthy investors are eyeing the poineering investment ,because the interest rates are low ,the real estate industry slump ,the stock market is not stable under the influence of other factors ,these rich people want to find a higher return investment channel .
The first quarter of this year ,the volume of transactions is strong growth ,Hill said ,&ldquo ;I think the current financing market showed a strong ,rising sign .The following &rdquo ;in 2008 ,the United States market each kind of financing way roughly situation .
Bank loans and the seller credit this year many banks are still last subprime mortgage market impact .However ,the small business loan portal Businessfinance.com CEO Cory .Pearce ( Corey Pierce ) ,loan and no stagnation ,of course the main lending to those with good credit enterprise .
&ldquo ;most business owners usually ignore the credit evaluation ( credit score ) the role of .&rdquo ;Pearce said ,he suggested that entrepreneurs in applying for a loan before ,to do as much as possible to improve their credit rating .
Wish to use some of the commercial credit card or a small line of credit ,so that you may have a timely liquidation of the bank credit records .If you are working with the bank for a loan ,but your repayment performance is good ,then ran back to ask the bank is it right? Can in the next round to continue to lend to you .
You can also find some because of good credit and promised to reward the bank loan again .Another option is to find some ,based on your personal credit record business loans .Good credit can also help you in the supplier payment agreement negotiation to gain advantage .
You can ask the supplier ,according to their previous good credit record ,is it right? Can be postponed for 60 to 90 daysof payment ,but not in general agreement after 10 days.Private equity financing to the Dow Jones monthly magazine private investment analysis ( Private Equity Analyst ) editor Jennifer .
Rosa ( Jennifer Rossa ) ,to deal with the takeover of the company and the famous PE investment institutions ,now also on providing growth capital showed increasing interest in .&ldquo ;along with the credit market continues to grow ,large and medium-sized private equity merger and acquisition of companies to invest in growth companies in the increasingly open attitude .
They may not always immediately required for obtaining bank loans ,to huge acquisition .&rdquo ;private investment analysis reports have pointed out ,2008will have a number oftargeting growth-oriented enterprises PE companies ,their impact on those need to expand the capital with the investment value of the investment of the enterprise will be prosperous .
Rosa is expected ,with the tightening of bank loans to small businesses, this year the growth fund will have more investment opportunities .PE company can also provide debt financing .David .
Bateman ( David Bateman ) founded by PS International ( Property Solutions International ) is the use of this mode of financing ,in April of this year, as the company co-founder ,CEO and chairman ,Bateman and two other founders together from the creative capital ( Inno Ventures Capital Partners ) was awarded a $500000 private debt financing ,innovation capital is a special provision of debt financing and corporate .
Although the innovation capital of PS international company provides early micro finance ,but also the company financing Bateman proposal to other debt financing company to refer to ,in order to guarantee the loan terms are fair .
At the same time ,he and another angel investment agency signed a $500000 investment intent book,if the company development needs,Beats Headphones, this protocol can perform this summer .Bateman said ,there are a lot of risk investment company and PE both of his companies showed interest, the company currently has 55 employees,is expected this year, sales reached $4500000 .
He said ,&ldquo ;we come in contact with any one is willing to communicate with us .&rdquo ;angel investment in the past, angel investors focus mainly on seeds or business start-up period .
But Saul to think ,this tendency has changed .He was on the 2007 American angel investment market investigation and study ,found that long-term investment case 21% fromangel investors ,and in 2006 this ratiois only 12%.
Saul explains ,this is because during the economic downturn, angel investors will grow model enterprise as the better choice .Another trend is ,because preferences growth-oriented enterprises financing ,angel investor groups function more and more and the risk investment company .
In order to choose the suitable enterprise ,the angel investor groups are expanding range of options ,but is not limited to the newly established enterprises .Saul said ,Moncler Store,&ldquo ;growth enterprise risk / return to angel investors is full of temptation ,because they had a real business data ,and not just some concept .
&rdquo ;risk investment institutions last year raised $12000000000 in funds ,risk investment firm DBL Investor partners Mark .Penuts (Mark Perutz ) said ,no matter whether the economy boom ,the money is to be spent .
Many of the risk investment companies from large institutional investors ,such as pension funds or the school donated funds to raise capital .Can say now ,almost any funding agencies are willing to risk investment mechanism for money ,because of the housing downturn and the continued low rates .
And now the risk investor in finalizing each investment ,will consider to enterprises and common hand for four or five years, so now the economic downturn will not become a problem .Penuts said ,Beats Headphones,although in a downturn ,many enterprises are facing a higher risk, but the risk investment institutions long-term cooperation intention ,UGG Outlet Store,for many are looking for funding for growth-oriented enterprises boss, is certainly a positive signal .
There is also a growing risk investment institutions to provide debt interest ,which to seek capital enterprise provides a choice ,they can not dilute founder equity could earn cash .
Strategic risk investment in this way ( Corporate Venture Investments ) is probably the most difficult to predict ,Nike Factory Outlet,because this kind of risk investment institutions and fund raising processes vary .
Some companies may be individually set aside some money for risk investment ,some companies if the share price to drop or they feel sluggish market will scale back investment funds .&ldquo ;Moneytree Report&rdquo ;report shows ,2008 first quarter,the company of venture capital investment ratio declined slightly ,but still reached 800 for the same period last yeartrading case level ,a total investment of $2500000000 .
The PWC global managing partner Tracey .Leffert ( Tracy T.Lefteroff ) says ,he hopes that the company risk investment this year can remain stable, but should focus more on strategic investment, that is to say ,can be obtained for the future in the industry to provide a resource investment .
Therefore ,look forward to intervene in risk investment of large technology companies can invest more in science and technology start-ups .&ldquo ;many companies such as company of venture capital investment is a kind of R & D investment ,&rdquo ;leffert love said ,&ldquo ;no matter the current economic status, their investment is in the allocation of their resources .
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