
Moncler StoreDojoMobile framework is a set of mobile terminal Web application development framewo

DojoMobile framework is a set of mobile terminal Web application development framework ,is in a project .Dojo Mobile mainly for handheld device Web rich client application development ,provides the iPhone and Android two sets of themes ,which based on the iPhone or Android Web application with local application of mobile phone appearance and effect ,but also give developers more control .
Below is the Android Dojo Mobile developed Web application based on Demo graph ,if not see the address bar ,may think that iPhone and Android native applications .Dojo Mobile framework is so a few characteristics :1 lightweight ,Dojo mobile frame in compression only after 100k ,in the same framework of JS is quite small ,it is very suitable for mobile devices .
2 widely used CSS3 achieve iPhone and Android local program effects, fluid animation 3 cross browser platform ,Beats Headphones,Dojo mobile also supports a kernel of WebKit mobile phone browser ,use the dojo with dojo.
animateProperty and dojox.gfx simulation effects below we use Dojo mobile framework for rapid development of a blog application of simple UI ,Web interface sketch as follows ,UGG Outlet,is a two degree list structure :Step 1: first import CSS files,Moncler Store, including dojo1.
5 Claro and mobile default theme with mobile phone theme ;< ;link href = " ;Dojo / dijit / themes / Claro / claro.css" / > ;< ;link ;href = " ;Dojo / dojox / mobile / themes / iPhone / iphone.
css" ;> in this example ,as long as the choice of imported iphone.css, application will use iPhone interface style .Step 2: add Dojo ,import Dojo mobile ;< ;script type = " ;text / javascript" ;SRC = " ;Dojo / Dojo / dojo.
js" ;djConfig = " ;parseOnLoad: true" ;> ;< ;< ;script / script> ;type = " ;text / javascript" ;> ;dojo.require ( " ;dojox.mobile" ;) ;dojo.require ( " ;dojox.
mobile.parser" ;) ;dojo.requireIf ( !Dojo.isWebKit ," ;dojox.mobile.compat" ;< ;;) / script> ;as previously mentioned Dojo mobile is a cross-browser platform frame ,running platform with WebKit as core ,import named dojox.
mobile.compat compatibility pack ,compatible with the WebKit kernel browser .Step3: statement blog Directory: < ;div id = " ;main" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.View" ;selected = " ;true" ;> ;< ;H1 dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.Heading" ;> ;< ;< ;UL / h1> ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.EdgeToEdgeList" ;> ;< ;Li dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.ListItem" ;icon = " ;images / a-icon-4.
png" ;> ;automatic update of < ;div class = " ;mblItemSwitch" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.Switch" ;> ;< ;div> ;< ;< ;Li / li> ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.ListItem" ;icon = " ;images / csdn.png" ;moveTo = " ;csdn" & ;nbsp ;> ;< ;< ;Li / li> ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.ListItem" ;icon = " ;images / javaeye.
png" ;moveTo = " ;javaeye" ;> ;& ;nbsp < ;< ;Li / li> ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.ListItem" ;icon = " ;images / sitepen.png" ;moveTo = " ;sitepen" ;> ;& ;nbsp < ;< / li> ;/ ul> ;< ;div> ;directory listing statement is quite simple ,dojox.
mobile.EdgeToEgeList is the container for each item in the list ,the container is declared as dojox.mobile.ListItem ;notably the moveTo property ,the property is the realization of the scene switching ,Beats By Dre For Sale,click on the properties of moveTo for " ;csdn" ;ListItem can switch to the ID CSDN dojox.
mobile.View ;next to CSDN as an example ,Moncler boots,the statement list ,here is a simple UI ,in a formal application should be made by the server provides data :< ;div id = " ;csdn" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.View" ;> ;< ;H1 dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.Heading" ;back = " ;" ;moveTo = " ;main" ;> ;CSDN< ;< ;UL / h1> ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.
EdgeToEdgeList" ;> ;< ;Li class = " ;mblVariableHeight" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.mobile.ListItem" ;style = " ;font-size: 10px" ;> ;< a 1 ;href = " ;class = " ;# " ;lnk" ;> ;two minutes to let you know that Android Activity < life cycle ;a> ;< ;br> < br ;Wei Zhulin ;> ;< ;span class = " ;date" ;> ;07 2010 28 March / < ;span> ;< ;< ;Li / li> ;class = " ;mblVariableHeight" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.ListItem" ;style = " ;font-size: 10px" ;> 2 ;< ;a href = " " ;# ;class = " ;lnk" ;> ;MySQL kernel on primary series 8---innodb algorithm list / a> ;< ;< ;br> ;Yang Wanfu < ;br> ;< ;span class = " ;date" ;> ;08 2010 01 March / < ;span> ;< ;< ;Li / li> ;class = " ;mblVariableHeight" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.ListItem" ;style = " ;font-size: 10px" ;> ;< a 3 ;href = " ;class = " ;# " ;lnk" ;> ; that point thing - fast development to write your own data persistence layer / a> ;< ;< ;br> ;the song won the < ;br> ;< ;span class = " ;date" ;> ;in 2010 08 02 < / span> ;< ;li&g ;T ;< ;Li class = " ;mblVariableHeight" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.ListItem" ;style = " ;font-size: 10px" ;> ;< a 4 ;href = " ;class = " ;# " ;lnk" ;> ;Android prepared with PHP - PFA of < / a> ;< ;br> ;;Jiang Yujie < ;br> ;< ;span class = " ;date" ;> ;07 2010 29 March / < ;span> ;< ;< ;Li / li> ;class = " ;mblVariableHeight" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.ListItem" ;style = " ;font-size: 10px" ;> 5 ;< ;a href = " # ;" ;class = " ;lnk" ;> ;system administrator becomes programmer four step transformation / a> ;< ;< ;br> ;Huang Zhibin < ;br> ;< ;span class = " ;date" ;> ;08 2010 03 March / < ;span> ;< ;< ;Li / li> ;class = " ;mblVariableHeight" ;dojoType = " ;dojox.
mobile.ListItem" ;style = " ;font-size: 10px" ;> ;< a 6 ;href = " ;class = " # " ;Lnk" ;> ;Design Pattern< understanding ;/ a> ;< ;br> ;s Knowledge Ba < Teddy ;br> ;< ;span class = " ;date" ;> ;08 2010 02 March / < ;span> ;< ;< ;li> < ;ul> div> by ListItem / ;the statement of href can point to the blog address ,the next implementation is not in the scope of this article .
OK ,we have to Dojo mobile frame undertook initial exploration ,see using Dojo mobile framework can be very quick to build iPhone / Android local style Web application ,improve the Web application on the mobile device user experience .
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