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purine, is a substance present in the human body, mainly in the form of purine nucleotides, as the energy supply, such as metabolism and composition of coenzyme plays an important role. Purine is a compound, molecular formula C5H4N4, colorless crystals, purine oxidation in the body into uric acid, high uric acid in the human body can cause gout. Seafood, meat animals have higher purine content, so patients with gout in addition to treatment with drugs (the drug treatment of gout are generally kidney damage), is more important is the usual attention to diet.


purine synthesis and purine metabolic diseases 1. De novo purine nucleotide synthesis 2. Synthesis of purine nucleotides remedy 3. Purine nucleotide changes in each other 4. Oxygen generation purine nucleotide catabolism part of the purine content of food dictionary pronunciation

purine purine and disease (purine, also known as Princeton) through a series of metabolic changes, the final form of the product (2, 6,8 - three oxygen purine) also known as uric acid. Purine purine source is divided into 80% of endogenous nucleic acid oxidation and decomposition, mainly from exogenous purine food intake, 20% of the total purine, uric acid in the human body there is no physiological function, in normal circumstances, the body produce uric acid, 2 / 3 excreted by the kidneys, the remaining 1 / 3 from the intestinal tract. Uric acid is continuously generated in vivo and excretion, so it must be maintained in the blood concentration. Normal blood contains uric acid per liter for men and 0.42 mmol / liter, women are not more than 0.357 mmol / liter. In purine synthesis and decomposition process, a variety of enzymes involved, because the enzyme has not been clear or certain congenital anomalies of factors, metabolic disorder, to increase the synthesis of uric acid or emission reductions, the result can cause high blood uric acid disease. When the blood uric acid concentration is too high, uric acid, sodium salt form that is deposited on the joints, soft tissue, cartilage and kidney, causing tissue foreign body inflammatory response, has become the bane of causing gout. Synthesis of purine metabolism of purine nucleotide synthesis and metabolism of purine nucleotide synthesis in vivo in two ways, first, de novo synthesis, one remedy pathway, in which de novo synthesis is the main way. 1. Hepatic de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides in vivo is the main organ, followed by the small intestinal mucosa and

purine nucleotide synthesis pathway

thymus. Parts of purine nucleotide synthesis in the cytosol, synthetic materials, including ribose, aspartic acid, glycine, glutamine, and other one-carbon unit and CO2. The main reaction steps are divided into two stages: first synthesis of hypoxanthine nucleotides (IMP), and then sub-IMP into adenine nucleotides (AMP) and guanine nucleotide (GMP). Purine ring of elements from the following sources: N1 provided by the aspartic acid, C2 provided by the N10-formyl FH4, C8 from the N5, N10-A-acetylene FH4 provide, N3, N9 provided by the glutamine, C4, C5, N7 by the glycine provide, C6 from the CO2 available. De novo synthesis of purine nucleotides is characterized by: purine nucleotide is ribose molecule synthesized on the basis of the gradual, not the first synthesis of purine bases and then individually with ribose binding. Key enzyme in the reaction include PRPP amide transferase, PRPP synthetase. PRPP is a class of amide transferase allosteric enzymes, the monomer form of the active dimer form of non-active. IMP, AMP and GMP to the active form into inactive forms, while PRPP is the opposite. De novo synthesis of the adjustment mechanism is feedback regulation, mainly in the following areas: the purine nucleotide synthesis start-up phase PRPP synthetase and PRPP amide transferase activity can be synthesized product IMP, AMP and GMP and other inhibitory; in the formation of AMP and GMP process, the excessive control of AMP AMP generation, does not affect the synthesis of GMP, the GMP control over the generation of GMP, AMP does not affect the synthesis; IMP into AMP requires GTP, and IMP into GMP requires ATP. 2. Purine nucleotide synthesis in the remedy,Moncler Shop, including the main enzyme adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT), hypoxanthine - guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT). Synthesis of purine nucleotides to remedy the physiological significance: to save energy and some of the de novo synthesis of amino acids when consumed; some body tissues and organs, such as brain, bone marrow, the absence of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides enzyme system, but only the purine nucleus remedy nucleotide synthesis. 3. Purine nucleotide changes between AMP and IMP can be converted to GMP, AMP and GMP can also be converted into IMP. Between AMP and GMP can change each other. 4. Deoxynucleotide generated by the body deoxynucleotidyl their corresponding ribonucleotide reduction in the level diphosphate formed. Ribonucleotide reductase catalyzed the reaction. 5. Purine nucleotide antimetabolite ① purine analogues: 6 - mercaptopurine (6MP), 6 - thiol guanine, 8 - aza-guanine, etc. 6MP used more often, similar to its structure and hypoxanthine, in the body generated by the 6MP-ribose of nucleotides, and in this form of inhibition of IMP into AMP and GMP response. ② amino acid analogues: aza-serine and 6 - diazo -5-- oxygen is leucine and so on. Similar structure and glutamine, can interfere with glutamine in the role of purine nucleotide synthesis, thus inhibiting the synthesis of purine nucleotides. ③ folic acid analogues: ammonia neopterin and methotrexate (MTX) are folic acid analogues, can competitively inhibit dihydrofolate reductase, folate can not be reduced to dihydrofolate and tetrahydrofolate, thereby inhibiting the purine nucleus nucleotide synthesis. Purine catabolism purine nucleotide catabolism reactions the basic process is the role of nucleotides in the nucleotide hydrolysis into the enzyme nucleoside, and then under the action of the enzyme into the free base and 1 - ribose. Eventually break down into uric acid purine bases, with the urine excreted. Xanthine oxidase is an important catabolic enzymes. Purine nucleotide catabolism mainly in the liver, small intestine and kidney carried out. Purine metabolism: too much uric acid causes gout, serum uric acid levels rise

purine decomposition process

High uric acid salt crystals can be deposited in the joints, soft tissue, cartilage and kidney, etc., leading to arthritis, urinary Road and renal stone disease. Allopurinol used in clinical treatment of gout. Basic Concepts 1. De novo synthesis (de novo synthesis): in vivo metabolism of purine nucleotide synthesis, the use of ribose, amino acids, a carbon unit and CO2 and other simple substances as raw materials, through a series of enzymatic reactions, synthesis of purine nucleotides as de novo synthesis. 2. Remediation pathway (salvage pathway): use of in vivo free purine or purine nucleoside, through simple reactions, synthesis of purine nucleotides, known as remedial pathway. 3. Self-destructive disease appearance: also known as (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) is caused due to some lack of HGPRT gene completely missing children, the performance of self-destructive disease appearance. [1]. Part of the purine content of foods purine content of some foods per 100 grams / mg purine food name food name food name purine purine millet flour 2.3 6.1 8.4 rice, chestnuts, walnuts 18.1 16.4 Soybean 27.0 33.4 Peanut Pumpkin 2.8 1.4 onion tomato cucumber 3.3 4.2 green cabbage 5.0 4.7 5.6 potatoes, carrots and spinach 23.0 8.0 14.5 cauliflower celery cabbage leaves 10.3 0.1 20.0 apricots, pears, grapes 0.5 1.9 0.9 Orange Jam Apple 0.9 1.9 0.4 beef, milk, eggs 40.0 1.4 27.0 mutton goose hen 25 to 31 48.0 33.0 pork 48 veal Lung 70.0 Liver 95.0 Kidney 80.0 24.0 Gui tuna fish honey 3.2 295 45.0 sardines anchovies 363 bovine pancreas 825.0 200.0 233 beef kidney Brain 195 gravy 160 ~ 400

purine content or less not Han Piaoling food: white rice, corn, refined white bread, bread, noodles, pasta,UGG Outlet, soda crackers, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplant, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, tomato, radish, potato, potatoes, pickles, pickles , longan, cabbage, all kinds of eggs, milk, condensed milk, yogurt, malted milk,UGG Sale, a variety of fruit and dried fruit, candy, various drinks including soft drinks, tea, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, etc., various oils, peanut butter, peanut , almonds, walnuts, jam and so on. Per 100 grams in the purine content of <75 mg of food: asparagus, cauliflower, green beans, green beans, peas, beans, spinach, mushrooms, oatmeal, herring, shad, salmon, tuna, white fish, lobster, crab, oysters, chicken , ham, lamb, beef soup, wheat bran, bread and so on. Purine content per 100 grams of 75 mg to 150 mg of food: lentils, carp, perch, pike, mackerel, shellfish, smoked ham, pork, beef, tongue, veal, chicken, duck, geese, pigeons, quail, pheasant, rabbit, venison, broth, liver, turkey, eel, eel. Purine content per 100 grams in 150 mg to 1000 mg of food: Pancreas 825mg, anchovies 363mg, sardines 295mg, bovine 233mg, beef kidney 200mg, brain 195mg, gravy 160 ~ 400mg. The pronunciation dictionary Note: on the whisper, This is because the Therefore, only in the References 1

text data source


Further reading: 1

gouty arthritis (Central People's Radio healthy slow life): http://www.e-asta.cn/article-126.html


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Open Category: biology, chemistry, medicine, biochemistry and molecular biology, Nucleic Acids . [Chemistry] purine me to improve the Related articles:

