
UGG Outlet Hospitals adhere to the rescue after seeing the families of elderly patients died in seve

□ this reporter intern Tao Guo Shuai

5 月 5 morning, residents of Ge Yuxia county towns Shangqiu civil rebellion to reporters, the 70-year-old father, David Branch Ge send others after ingesting pesticide treatment to the county's public hospitals, and hospitals are not actually seen a positive rescue elderly family members, delay time of up to 70 minutes long, resulting in the rescue of old people miss the best timing of death.

family members not seen the old man drink some pesticide hospital gastric lavage

5 日 10 时 30 分 Xu,UGG Outlet, reporters rushed in the middle of the civil rights posterior county public hospital treatment.

According to Ge Yuxia said, on May 1 at noon, her father, David Branch Ge somehow, went to the county from the civil rights of public hospital treatment and 50 meters west of a company called a bottle of In Yao, the store owner by passers-by and pesticides found, police received a report of hospital treatment he was taken to the public. Regardless of the emergency room floor hall. an ordinary person knows that the first lavage ah, let alone a doctor? at 35 minutes, from the time the hospital has more than 70 minutes.

Ge Hong's son is still the peak section,UGG Outlet, said civil county public hospital doctors in the treatment finished cleaning section of the stomach after Ge Hong, see the situation has not improved, it is recommended to do dialysis and no dialysis equipment to the hospital grounds, requested that the family transferred immediately, but declined to provide vehicles, after their families Zhao Shuren, the hospital shore reluctantly agreed to borrow an ambulance.

Ge family that Ge Hong Civil Rights Division of the deaths are due to county public hospital treatment not seen their families in case of failure to make timely rescue, contrary to the principle of saving the hospital. Therefore, the public hospital treatment and can not shirk its responsibility,UGG Outlet, compensation should be at least 18 Ge million.

witnesses made just drink some pesticide and send the hospital

5 at 11 am, in the county civil rights, Xia Lu told reporters that the owner, at 12:10 on May 1 about an old man came to the store to buy a bottle of and call 120. Police station rushed to the elderly will be sent to Citizens County public hospital treatment.

Citizens County Public Security Bureau police station to produce a county towns Alarm registration form shows that they are out of the police on the matter of time at 12:15 on May 1, five minutes after the civil rights of people sent to the county public hospital treatment.

hospitals responded,

5 日 11 时 30 points, Zhang Yumin said in an interview, Ge Hong subjects were taken to hospital, he immediately organized rescue staff, mainly to play some of the heart stimulants and other drugs. As to why there is no time cleaning the stomach, mainly on account of the patient to drink large amount of pesticides, cleaning force can cause the patient breathing, heartbeat and other arrest.

Zhang Yumin, said the hospital's emergency measures are in place,

Subsequently, the county civil service public hospital treatment, told reporters that President Jiang Yongyi, this is medical malpractice, and the GE family, they have to communicate.

Citizens County Health Department said a staff member, the matter is under investigation, specifically how to deal with other results came out to clear.

the afternoon, the reporter consulted a Chinese medicine hospital emergency expert Shangqiu Dr Yeoh, he told reporters, according to medical requirements of patients to the hospital after ingesting pesticide and playing cardiotonic drugs such as gastric lavage should be at the same time, and How much dose the patient to drink is not directly related.

