
UGG Online Internet viruses do not worry and effort to harass me ( turn the small fig )

network viruses do not worry and effort to harass me (to turn a small fig) 2010-05-02 07:48 As the saying goes, it is difficult to escape the network virus attacks. At present, the virus is very popular to those embedded in Web pages script virus, these viruses are often able to achieve through their own way to copy the purpose of transmission of other computer local area network; network script virus once infected, then the normal operation of computer systems ranging from not serious time can cause the system to paralysis. In order to improve system efficiency, allowing network access to more smoothly, as long as we make some of your own computer set up properly, so the network can no longer harass the virus himself. STRONG script virus blocking network communication channel / STRONG ability damage due script virus, spread fast and so, if we do not accidentally hit the computer virus attack, then the script will soon be running properly, thereby seriously affecting the efficiency of Internet access. Taking into account the script virus spread mostly through the pages of the spread, and it's illegal communication needs to support ActiveX controls, for which we can set the IE browser's Internet Options argument to ban the IE browser to run ActiveX controls automatically, Script blocking transmission of the virus so as to achieve the purpose of the channel; Below, we, Windows XP comes with the IE browser, for example, to prohibit running ActiveX controls: First run IE browser program, click the browser window of the area; second in the corresponding controls and plug-ins the computer. (Figure 1) In addition to the illegal distribution through the pages, the script virus sometimes automatically on the local computer mail account address book search, from the first address legitimate mail account Start, to the address book to send all mail accounts to hide script viruses. When the user find and open the e-mail virus, the virus e-mail on the successful invasion of the user's computer. However, once the script virus found in the first e-mail account address book data does not meet specifications, the script would be a misconception that the virus does not exist in the local address book valid email address, so that also will automatically stop the virus e-mail communication book spread. To this end, for such a script through e-mail virus to spread, we have the address book as long as the first e-mail account information to disguise, not allowed to meet specifications, will be able to prohibit communication by e-mail virus, the purpose of the script. In the first e-mail account information camouflage, we can first open the Outlook address book program, then one of the first complete e-mail account information into an inactive state, while the ;. Of course, the script virus will only Outlook address book program to attack, without such third party would like Foxmail mail program's address book to attack, so we can use third-party mail program to send and receive e-mail, in order to avoid scripting unlawful attack the virus. Beware of web startup script STRONG own virus / STRONG Sometimes, we forget the virus script blocking network communication channel, as a result have been opened to hide malicious web script virus, the virus may automatically start the script to run, and cause the local computer system malicious damage; even if we removed these professional anti-virus software,UGG Online, scripts stubborn virus, but as long as the computer system to restart, the script virus may come back again. In fact, according to the following steps, we can disable web startup script virus itself: First, open the local computer system, the string command items; followed Registry Editor window, click Add The Click followed by implementation of the allow Here, we also need to adjust the registry service access node,UGG Online, in order to prevent the script to start the service with the way the virus to spread the virus. During this set, we can click the nodes in the left display area options HKEY_CURRENT_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services, and then follow the previous method of operation, into ;, this way the script hidden in the pages of the virus naturally, can not start the service by running a malicious way. Of course, in addition to the local computer system in the relevant registry keys to modify the start, we would also like to system files ; document generate many legacy records, if we are not to Generally speaking, system files editing window, check program path cleaned. In addition, the path before you remove the strange process, it is best depends on what strange process specific file name and path of truth, until the delete operation is complete, then open the system's with removal. STRONG prevent the spread of the virus through the sharing of files / STRONG some script virus can automatically enumerate all the local LAN can access the shared resources, and attempt to infect some of these shared files, so as to achieve the purpose of network virus spread. However, the script virus to invade the local area network share files, shared folders need to have the corresponding permission before they can write, so in the absence of any special circumstances, we should all shared folders only to Modifying access to the shared folder, we can open the local computer system first Explorer window, find the target shared folder icon and right-click the icon from the pop-up menu, click Settings dialog box (Figure 3), the (Figure 3) STRONG refuse to destroy the virus attacks the script / STRONG no matter how careful we are, the script is still possible to seize all the virus exploits its own computer, but if we can find a way to stop the virus script to execute on the local computer system, then the script virus will not cause damage to the role of the local computer, so you can reach indirectly prevent the network from viruses, the. Taking into account the most popular network script virus almost always written by the success of a scripting language, it requires a computer system to explain the implementation of WSH, so we just set the system to allow the WSH script virus against interpreted,UGG Online, can rejected script virus implemented to achieve the purpose of sabotage attacks, the following is a specific set of steps: First, double-click the desktop with the mouse in the and execute the drop-down menu in the VBE extension page file option (Figure 4), then click the corresponding option is the a text editor, and select the (Figure 4) in the same mode of operation, we can modify the extension VBS, JS, JSE file association options to ensure that these types of script files are not automatically executed. Thus, we are not careful in the future even if the virus to run the script file, the virus will not attack, so if the script would not have a local computer system virus damage. STRONG Tips / STRONG you know, if the computer system is accidentally infected with a virus of some scripts, these scripts may prevent the virus we have to run extension exe, bat, com sort of executable program, so if we can not run on the local computer anti-virus program to remove the script virus. This way, we do even have a genuine anti-virus software, virus also script does not have any other way! In fact, cautious users may find that when the local computer system virus attacks accidental encounter this type of script, although we perform by double-clicking or by right-mouse menu in the local computer system, . exe Internet Explorer ; cmd.exe work environment will automatically switch to the MS-DOS command line window environment, in the command prompt window, execute the implementation, and then turn be able to start running. Immediately after the genuine anti-virus software up and running on the local computer system, all the The

