
UGG SaleHP's exclusive interview with CEO non- obsolete hardware changes in response to high-level

Hewlett-Packard global CEO: non-hardware market share has picked up a thing of the past. HP's new focus on strategic transformation of the Chinese market (2) HP China's PC market share has picked up 3 software there are many opportunities for 4 non-obsolete hardware 5.TouchPad not like other tablet 6 response to high-level changes: a new strategy needs new talent

SAN July 7 morning news, Hewlett-Packard CEO Apotheker and HP Global Executive Committee of the senior executive group visit to China. During this period, Apotheker to accept an exclusive interview with Sina science and technology, chat HP market share in China, TouchPad Tablet PC, the new president of China, the appointment of other topics. Apotheker said the HP PC market share in China has picked up, and soon introduced in China TouchPad Tablet PC.

behind the new Chinese president 史蒂夫吉尔

Apotheker is leading the world in a collective visit to the former executives, HP announced an about China appointments: Steve Jill (Steve Gill) became president of HP China, from July 1, 2011 come into effect.史蒂夫吉尔 in the past ten years has held senior management positions at Hewlett-Packard, since June 2009 has served as HP's Enterprise Business Group, South Korea's president and vice president. From 2002 to 2009, 史蒂夫吉尔 as president of HP UK and Ireland.

this appointment attracted the industry's challenge, a foreigner to Fun Chinese market? You know, after the Chinese president have a Hewlett-Packard seven Asian faces, they were Liu Jining, Yu Xinchang, Terry Cheng, Chen Yiliang, Sun Cheng-Yaw, Foo Piau Phang, Ruey-Bin Kao.

he said, who has held senior positions in China, the Chinese people as a global executive. the best people should get the best jobs, and this is my point. / p>

although backed by the global CEO, president of HP China, but placed in front of the stall can not be said 史蒂夫吉尔 good.

market research firm IDC released a report, Hewlett-Packard in the PC market in China's share in the third quarter of 2009 climbed to the highest point, and then began to gradually decline. 2010 CCTV 315, after the exposure quality of HP notebooks, HP in the second quarter of 2010, market share fell to fourth in the Chinese market.

for this problem, Apotheker candid response. You say: Our market share in each quarter rose each quarter, our businesses are showing double-digit growth in China's market share has rebounded, and the future we will launch a new product line, including the TouchPad. I am very optimistic about the future of the Chinese market. markets. For this product, expect Apotheker is not low.

So have other operating systems do not have many functions and features, I believe it will gain market at home.

Apotheker said that many people think that the Tablet PC products on the market are the same, but in fact they are very different. light)

following Record of interview:

HP CEO post office the first eight months,UGG Boots Clearance, Apotheker bring HP's global Executive Committee of the first high-level group to visit China four months ago, Apotheker HP has just announced a new global strategy - to the mobile Internet and cloud computing transformation. The transformation of China is the start of this important engine.

visit, and Hewlett-Packard and Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Chongqing local government to achieve a series of cooperation. In order to focus on expanding market share in China Hewlett-Packard, HP also announced the appointment of executive vice president of Hewlett-Packard, HP Personal Systems Group president Todd Bradley led the Chinese a number of cross-business unit.

HP China's PC market share has rebounded

Moderator: We see that you visited in the past three days in a number of cities, and some local governments have reached a cooperation agreement. Your visit to China this goal?

Apotheker: I and all members of HP's global executive committee of this visit, mainly to deepen HP's commitment to China. HP has a long history in China, as the first cooperative relationship with China's high-tech multinational companies, we have Looking back at history, we are very proud of. Since the 1980s, we have been helping China develop. Today, our business has been all over the country, and continue to expand. Our strategy and China's second Five-Year National Development Plan closely fit in during our visit, but also with local governments to explore the many possibilities for cooperation. I am pleased to announce that HP will continue to expand business in China, and deepen the investment. We are Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Chongqing, will cooperate more closely.

Moderator: We also note that this is HP's first high-level global executive committee of all group visit is your first visit as Hewlett-Packard CEO and stressed the importance of the Chinese market. Can you tell us about your focal point for the Chinese market, what? What you see here is the opportunity?

Apotheker: Thank you for your question. We also announced the HP executive vice president, HP Personal Systems Group president Todd • Bradley will lead a number of initiatives across business units, focusing on expanding HP's market share in China to ensure that HP has a dedicated high-level management to focus on those responsible for the Chinese market. At the same time, we will expand HP's product line in China and portfolio. We called the company's strategic concept We plan to develop R & D capability in China, where the global market for the Chinese market and develop new products. Our cooperation with Chongqing, boosting China's of China headquarters in Shanghai. All these initiatives show that we are committed to advancing HP's strategy in China, and look forward to showing better results.

Moderator: According to the 2010 IDC report, HP in China's PC market share since 2009 has been a downward trend. You think the problems arise from?

Apotheker: Before I answer this question, I hope to understand the point: HP is not just a PC company. HP is a market capitalization of 12.7 billion company, of which about one-third from the PC business, as well as a variety of other businesses. In a year and a half ago, a Chinese partner as the problem, indeed led to quality problems. Since then, we have taken various measures to correct the problem. Now, I am very pleased to tell you: our market share in each quarter rebound. Each quarter, our businesses are showing double-digit growth. Our market share in China has picked up, and the future we will launch a new product line, including TouchPad. I am very optimistic about the future of the Chinese market.

Moderator: We see you on the Chinese market very seriously. China ushered in a new president of Hewlett-Packard - Steve • Gill, he is a foreigner. You have much confidence in him? How do Chinese people believe that he would certainly be a better understanding of the Chinese market and to achieve better performance?

Apotheker: This question is very interesting. As you know, HP is a global company in the world with many customers. Many companies in China also hopes to expand to become global companies, and Hewlett-Packard is to help Chinese companies become global power, therefore, China HP, one has a global perspective, global experience, leadership is very important. We believe that Steve • Jill is the best candidate for this position. My goal is that in the future, HP employees around the world have the opportunity to serve the world's top leadership positions. Maybe someday, I will have in the United States announced the appointment of an executive office in China as the Chinese people as a global executive. The best talent should be the best job, and this is my point. I have been efforts to develop the business, one of the most important way is to create a top talent pool. I hope someday you will ask me why I choose a Chinese person as HP's global executives.

Moderator: Indeed, your own is a German who is now working in a U.S. company, which also proved your point of view.

Apotheker: Actually, I am also French. So you see, everything is possible.

Moderator: What expectations do you Steve?

Apotheker: HP everyone has business goals, Steve is the same. I believe he will successfully lead the team to develop business in China.

software there are many opportunities

2010 November, from the German software giant SAP's Apotheker executive officer announced his resignation, as Hewlett-Packard CEO. His former HP CEO Mark Hurd to cut costs through mergers and acquisitions, will become the world's highest-paid HP to build technology companies, and therefore acclaimed. Compared to his predecessor, who Apotheker said in an interview that he should be more concerned about HP's long-term profit growth.

early March this year, Half Moon Bay, California, USA, 175 global executives Apotheker called to the scene, with two days to explain the company's new strategy. Cloud computing, connectivity and software to become an important part of HP's new strategy. Apotheker said that HP's future to become a comprehensive provider of solutions and software to increase the power, because this area has more opportunities, especially analysis, connectivity, WebOS and the software even more so.

Moderator: We know that HP released in March this year when a cloud computing strategy. How have your expectations? Please also describe in detail the strategy.

Apotheker: Our strategy announced in March, is a comprehensive strategy, which is an important pillar of cloud computing is one. Cloud computing, connectivity and software are the focus of this strategy, in addition to management in the cloud the entire data stream. Our cloud computing strategy consists of two dimensions. On the one hand, HP will provide the public cloud, and the user can rely on the security and manageability of the enterprise with the cloud. On the other hand, HP will provide a complete global enterprise products and technologies, to build hybrid clouds. On top of that, we will be based on their own WebOS operating system to provide full connectivity, through our service providers to deploy, and with other business combination between the plates, in order to create end to end cloud computing solutions.

Moderator: Does this mean that HP software will put even more important than hardware location? Especially considering that you are in the software industry with over 20 years of experience, you would be so planned?

Apotheker: hardware and software are complementary, not separated and alone. Lack of hardware support for software can not run, and the lack of software support for hardware is meaningless. Thus, the two must be valid combination, while HP is providing both hardware and software companies. We have made great efforts to develop the software into the future will continue here. We will continue to develop the best hardware, the best network equipment, the best server, best storage, and the best computer. Of course, there are the best partners.

Moderator: software and hardware complement each other, but whether the future will be more profitable software business space?

Apotheker: In the final analysis, Hewlett-Packard to become a full solutions provider, therefore, all the business point of view is very important to us. We will increase the power of software, because this area has more opportunities, especially analysis, connectivity, WebOS and the software even more so. You will see that HP will become the industry covering a broad range of business companies in hardware, software and services have strong strength.

Moderator: Many international companies have a similar business with the HP consideration. We note that more and more IT companies are gradually entering the highly profitable market, the software and services. Faced with such fierce competition, how much confidence can you have one win and win clients?

Apotheker: We now have had very good results - the trust of our customers are Hewlett-Packard. HP customers that the company will not be binding, but provide customers with choice, providing open. All of our cloud strategy are open, we hope to promote open standards for the people a free choice. Our service strategy is based on an idea: to help people maximize the use of information technology. Therefore, customers have come to find HP products and services. Our customers like to see HP's success. By providing enterprise cloud services, we will distinguish itself from its competitors. Some of our partners will integrate solutions. Therefore, the solution we offer to clients is not only the HP products and services, but the sound and comprehensive program. At the same time, we and other technology companies to maintain good relations, to guarantee customers the best solution.

Moderator: Please share the future of software and services strategy.

Apotheker: We will continue to expand the software combination, and adding high-value services to meet the specific needs of industry segments. We will address the needs of users in various industries to provide a complete technology stack and architecture industry.

no decline in the second quarter of HP's hardware business of non-obsolete

Moderator: When we look back at this quarter, we found that our customers demand for the decline in the PC business, HP Services profit rates narrowed. Do you think the reasons behind this phenomenon is what?

Apotheker: We have to look at this issue from another angle. In fact, HP performed well in the second quarter - revenue and profit estimates in these two important aspects are beyond market expectations. Consumer business accounted for 26% of the overall business, if you put aside this part of the calculation, we grew 8%, taking into account the scale of our business, this growth is extremely impressive. So we can say that the performance is quite good. If you focus on the PC business,UGG Sale, then it consists of two parts market. The first is the enterprise market: large enterprises and small and medium enterprises are under PC purchase, we in this part of the market to achieve a very good market share growth - our commercial computer business grew by 12%. Second, the consumer market: In this regard, printer and computer has emerged as a similar mix of market characteristics. Mature markets in Europe and America, tend to weak market performance, This is not because European and American markets customers do not like to buy a computer, but because of the economic environment. In Brazil, Russia, India, China, Turkey and all other fast-growing developing markets, our PC business and personal printing business continued to grow. All in all, this is a more complex situation, not simply by corporate business to business or consumers, Introduction.

Moderator: Is it also shows you the hardware dominated market today to promote the business plan? This is for you, for HP, it means a huge change? For example, if the hardware in your strategy more like a thing of the past?

Apotheker: hardware is not obsolete. Hardware is now the business, but also future business. We hope the comprehensive hardware and software development, but that does not mean that the hardware is the past tense. Hardware as software, are an integral part of the future. Data solutions and cloud computing needs of the hardware, if not the hardware, there is no cloud computing. Therefore, we will provide customers with IaaS - infrastructure as a service. The more important point is that the market is undergoing rapid change. For example, Hewlett-Packard in connectivity, smart phone and TouchPad to become a leader in these new products will be released in the near future. Therefore, we do everything on the market in the future based on our grasp.

TouchPad not similar to other Tablet PCs

HP's Tablet PC TouchPad finally officially launched on July 1, this tablet and the tablet PC on the market is different from the use of operating system webOS.

Before that, Google's Android system, listing only two years has gone beyond the formal years of Saipan to dominate the system, so that ranked the world's most popular smartphone platform, webOS system to today's strength, beyond is not easy, and for HP, this is a challenge and an opportunity to win the mobile Internet market is its beginning.

Moderator: We have noticed that HP's upcoming July 1 release in Europe and TouchPad. Your expectations of how this product? How to evaluate its importance for the HP business?

Apotheker: We will release a very exciting product. This product is based on our operating system WebOS, which is the most advanced, most attractive operating system, designed for the Internet was born, and for the network was born, and for cloud computing was born, and so have other operating systems do not have many functions and features. We developed this charming product called TouchPad, is a 10-inch tablet. I believe it will gain market at home. In addition, this product will soon be listed in China. We believe that tablet PCs will become an important consumer information terminal. I think the Tablet PC is an important complement to the PC. Therefore, the HP implementation of the strategy is complete, cover the Tablet PC, PC, smart phone, based on the webOS operating system, in order to achieve improved user experience.

Moderator: Over the past year, the market there have been many similar tablet products, such as the iPad. How do you convince consumers to buy TouchPad?

Apotheker: I do not think that these products are very similar. We think that these products are the same, but in fact they are very different. Because the TouchPad is the operating system webOS, we believe it will have many unique features. We are not saying the product immediately released the same day as the first product market, but plans to gradually expand the business in this market. Therefore, we will release a series of products, and gradually expand the footprint of the Internet world, and these products are based on the same operating system.

Moderator: market have iOS, Andrews, Window 7, Windows 8 of these operating systems, HP's operating system how to deal with the competition?

Apotheker: We firmly believe that they can develop the most advanced operating system and hardware products based on this to develop. The near future, we will also provide for other companies webOS certificate authority. We can provide a very unique user experience, this will be our differences with the other competitors. Our friends, partners and developers will be able to create a unique experience for customers. For example, the developer of a device (such as TouchPad) developed a program,Moncler Jackets, this program can be automatically converted to run on smart phones or computer format. In short, we will create a unique customer experience.

response to high-level changes: a new strategy needs new talent

Moderator: The last question is about the leadership change. We note that recently a number of executives to leave HP HP, the problem is how you look?

Apotheker: So far, a total of three executive vice president of change. We developed a new strategy, and thus for the HP recruiting new talent. This release of each new strategy of the company, is a normal phenomenon.

Moderator: How do your views on the HP? How do your feelings since he took office? Years of experience working with SAP, the biggest difference is what?

Apotheker: HP is much large in size a lot. Therefore, to lead HP is great for me, a very exciting opportunity.

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