
Moncler ShopWengxu fire rescue five children were burned by more than 200 million social contributio

Burns up to 98% of the Wang Maohua lying in bed, the foot is a piece of his body remaining intact skin (photo March 29). Source: Xinhua
Liang Tan was lying in bed, by the infusion to sustain life (March 29, photo).
Wang Maohua wife Chang-Hua Tan (right) and mother (left) of his family's grief injury (March 29, photo).
Wang Maohua wife Chang-Hua Tan softly singing a lullaby to ease the pain of her husband (March 29, photo).

Recently,Moncler Shop, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province town of Bo Tong Tsz Yuanzhou secondary school language teachers WANG Mao-hua and his father, runs a small fireworks factory farmers Tan was good, three times burst into the scene, rescued five children, two-body skin burns were 95% and 85%. Currently, the two are Liuyang, Hunan People's Hospital burn unit treatment, have been through the shock.

moved by the deeds of two people, as of April 9, WANG Mao-hua, Liang Tan received only one contribution over $ 2 million.

>> three into the fire

Wengxu rescued five children

3 21 afternoon, the town of Bo Tong Tsz Road, one near the State people, house 4 less than 5 years old children are playing lobby, one year old twins brother and sister asleep in the back room, careless adults at the door and neighbors chatting, completely did not notice the living room is an oil spill and next to a rusty motorcycle gas tank, a disaster so unexpected.

14:45 or so, neighbors from a distance that this household smoke billowing smoke in the house, aware of the fire. , a child out. Wang Maohua heard that there is also a child, the second immediately rushed into the fire, a few minutes later, Wang Maohua whole body is fire coming out of holding a little girl. Shouted the people around, there is also a. WANG Mao-hua and Liang Tan was a third time to return to save the results a gas tank exploded. Strong shock wave to lift out of two people from the house, fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, their sixth child was rescued from the back door.

covered only keep a good skin

Li Zhanglan and neighbors rushed to help Wang Maohua beat him holding a blanket of fire, but soon found that Wang Maohua all the clothes had been burned, is body fat in the crackling fire. Wrapped with a blanket, cooling the skin on the adhesion of being torn down to. Raw and whole body up and down only a belt because of melting and body stick together. Tan was only good side of the flame burning too hard to be patient, stumbled walked next to a pond, poured into the water.

soon be sent to the two well-known for the treatment of burns Liuyang, Hunan People's Hospital, was diagnosed with very severe burns, burns, respectively 95% and 85%, Wang Maohua is the only remaining foot a body intact skin. After ten hours of rescue, the two finally out of danger, to regain consciousness. A week later, the two patients safely burn shock.

4 7 April, successful Tan Liang was a second skin graft surgery. Wang Maohua right leg about 20 cm heel to the calf area, due to severe infection, the muscles have been festering. To avoid infection to other parts of the extension, the hospital decided to Wang Maohua right leg about 20 cm heel to the calf amputated parts. Smooth operation in the afternoon.

>> optimistic by nature

students call him brother

27-year-old Wang Maohua born in a poor family, his mother died in his very hour, father because of severe arthritis, loss of ability to work, funded by his uncle, Wang Maohua complete their studies. Due to family poverty, 30-year-old brother has not married, the family is only one adobe house.

Wang Maohua colleagues Huangyun Hong,UGG Sale, and Wang Maohua recalled the days of living with single quarters: there is a lot of students live on campus students have large pieces of dirty clothes, he helped with the washing machine to wash their own, many of his students do not call him a teacher, and called my brother. Wang Maohua, 95% of total skin burns after Renzhaojutong tears on his face his wife said: around the eyes are friendly, free, regardless of who the family needed help, he will take the initiative to stretch number one. In the rescue wounded to the hospital on the road, still in semi-conscious state in the good he had been told her daughter Tan

>> moved the crowd

contributions received 2 million yuan

WANG Mao-hua, Liang Tan was to rescue a neighbor's child was severely burned after the disclosure of deeds , causing great social repercussions. Night of the incident, Bo Tong had more than 50 villagers voluntarily chartered to Liuyang to visit them. Lixing Wu rescued a child's parents raised 210,000 yuan to the hospital. Huang Kailan rescued the child's mother said with tears, I want my children to remember a lifetime Wang, Liang Tan was the saving grace.

in Liuyang, Hunan, just graduated from college came Qiu Ying rushed to the hospital,UGG Clearance, donated 300 dollars later, and every day to deliver meals to take care of the patient's relatives and friends to visit the online posting called a hero. 90-year-old Liuyang Kang taken more than elderly people, his family came to the hospital on crutches under the arm to see, and donated 1,000 yuan. Liuyang City Experimental Primary School Cravens sent 2000 yuan donations.

4 7, Shun Tao, vice chairman of China Foundation Samaritan Foundation, visited China on behalf of the families of heroes, and 100,000 yuan condolences to the families of gold on the spot. As of April 9, WANG Mao-hua, Liang Tan received only one contribution over $ 2 million. According to the Xinhua News Agency Xinhua

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