
Cheap Vibram Five FingersOne-ton super bike !

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forklift wheels, bicycle tires, bicycle frames welded steel plates. This 3.2 m high, 5.5 meters long, weighing one ton, super bike, Jilin public Ya force spent three months, spending nearly 2 million manufactured. He said that the production of this super bike main purpose is to increase the inspiration to give son to work in the network.

vehicle height of 3.2 m 5.5 m long and

December 25, 2009, the reporter saw the hospital of a fertilizer plant in Jilin City, Xi'an road this large bike. This reporter saw the bicycle vehicle identity before and after the two tires, the rear tire on both sides there are two small auxiliary tire. The two cars handle protruding backwards, cycling semi-Yang sat on the seat, grasp the handlebars, and pedal their. In addition, in front of the car also has a headlight. Than ordinary bicycle big, the biggest advantage of this bike is not afraid to pour.

pedal car chain and gear, the seat is used sofa.

According to him, this bike can be three people together to ride, but also a person riding. The vehicle height of 3.2 meters [url=http://www.vibrameu.com/]Cheap Vibram Five Fingers[/url]


, 5.5 meters long, 1.5 meters in diameter wheels, the total weight of the whole car in about 1 ton.

repairer is increased to give children inspiration

China Academy of Fine Arts graduate, now an Internet company in Shenzhen, the son graduate has created a comic. kinds repairer parts.

home venue is not enough, so he produced the venue security in a fertilizer. Ya-Li, the son that he wants to build cars, do not agree. However, after he persuaded there is no opinions. Son provides a good idea, in the car produced a decorative villain, in order to increase the beauty of this bike.

quit their jobs to specialized home repairer

15 years ago, I produced a multi-functional bike There are several riding, but that bike no this car. OPHTHALMOLOGY, 49 years old, had a machinery repair workers, he had a habit of hands making things, or the repair work, plus work engaged a soft spot for the production of goods.

Husband in order to build this car to work to quit. To this end, she even told her husband fights, but look at her husband after this serious enthusiasm, she would have agreed.

three months time, than to work diligently every day 8:00 time to the factory, 17:00 nightfall came home,

ride next year went to Shenzhen now levy lovers

car debugging, I will Juji to Shenzhen to give my son. next summer to go to Shenzhen. However, due to the size of the bicycle is too big, a ride can not be such a long journey, he wanted to collecting comic lovers and bike enthusiasts together to go to Shenzhen.

, East Asia Correspondent in Jilin late fly Assistant Reporter Liu Wenbo / photo