
UGG OnlineVillagers walk 60 km day and bottled water for the victims of spontaneous

walk in front, 30-year-old government of Gansu Lintao Yue people, the other with 9 per capita, with his fellow workers to Zhouqu County.



Most of the remains of the victims led away after being rescued buried, but there are three to four bodies were unclaimed. am, drove 10 hours, walk for 5 kilometers, the reporter entered the large torrential debris flows occurred - Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province Zhouqu County.

Gansu 民政厅厅长 Tian Baozhong, as of the latest figures at 17 o'clock on the 10th, the death toll reached 702 people, missing persons 1042, 42 of them seriously.

Yue government that they are 10 until August 3 to Zhouqu, in the county working on a construction site.

meeting urged Party committees at all levels of the affected areas, as the current government should rescue the most important work, and strive to minimize disaster losses. Leading cadres to the front line, strengthen the organization of rescue command.

Gansu Province, according to Ministry of Water Resources and the message in front of the working group, to 10, 12, Zhouqu lake average water level dropped 0.65 meters. 10 pm to continue mining dredging, and lake water body for the local accumulation of underwater explosions, the water level to decline further.

the best cash-based

ZhouQuXian foolish classes Township Central Primary School principal Shangjun Chang introduced, landslides occurred, the majority of residents Zhouqu County was placed in concentrated secondary schools, three middle ground, there are some people living in tents or with relatives. These affected people to eat, drink a supply, but the toilet has become a big problem.

Politburo Standing Committee deployment of rescue work

(manuscript edition comprehensive Xinhua News Agency,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Online[/url],

into Zhouqu county seat of county towns, having just taken a few steps, he would face dozens of villagers, walking hurriedly from the side through. Men and women, all kinds, shoulders, almost exactly the same equipment - exposure backpack, stuffed a large kettle. Basket is broken, expensive, old, but pretend to be full to the brim of the pot is water.

According to the Xinhua News Agency Xinhua morning of August 10, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee meeting,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Online[/url], the full deployment of the current Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province large Zhouqu County Debris Flow Disaster relief and rescue work. CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao presided over the meeting.

According to the relevant staff, the public can be made by bank transfer, postal remittance and through the Red Cross Society of China website (http://www.redcross.org.cn), China Red Cross Foundation website (http://www.crcf.org.cn/1030/juankuan.asp # ssss) for online donations, etc., as Zhouqu contributions.

aid materials 600 million


State Council recently issued a Circular requires that all localities and departments concerned and social organizations, in addition to there needs, in principle, temporarily arrange the recent working group and staff to the disaster area. For sending, should be included in Gansu Province, the emergency rescue headquarters or the State Department coordination group to guide the unified arrangement, and with good local convergence. If the community wishes to donate, it is recommended to donate funds. Needed supplies and equipment for the disaster area can be arranged to receive and organized to disaster areas, do not spread on their own transport. In addition, non-emergency rescue workers, volunteers and other walks of life, at this stage do not on their own to the disaster area to support the disaster area disaster relief work.

village cadres have organized and mobilized people show love it? Do you have relatives and friends buried in the debris below it? The old strict answer, no.

destroyed their fields,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Online[/url], mountains and so became the temporary toilets at.

because the main road leading to Zhouqu county congestion by mud and water, making large-scale rescue rescue equipment can not enter the core area. After overnight repairs dredging rescue, yesterday morning, a large excavator with rescue equipment moved into the core area of ​​rescue, rescue work will achieve a breakthrough.

According to Liu, political commissar of introduction, the body. rain continued to strengthen the next five days, rescue adverse weather conditions.

migrant workers overnight withdrawal of county

Yue affairs told reporters that they work site and residence, on a hillside next to the county, so escaped the mudslide. Because do not get the wages, coupled with difficult road to go, so they never leave. There is still fear of the next few days the local heavy rain, mountain villagers to discuss governance and decided to no longer waiting to pay, leave as soon as possible Zhouqu county home.

rain struck again, weather experts have warned the public to listen to early warning and timely forecasting, disaster may strengthen against the heavy rainfall caused flash floods, landslides, mudslides and other disasters from happening again, and make mine work.

subsidy 150 yuan per person

for food and drink into the toilet problems

lock Tau village Yan Quansheng 50 years old, wrinkled, back slightly bent, looks older than 10 years old, but the water go back mountain, eighty, suddenly seems younger than 20 years of age. He said that each time carrying a 25 kg of water from higher ground, do not hit the lock Village starting to hit three villages, the village full moon, spring games village and other places, about 6 km walk one way one day to go 5 back and forth, equivalent to 60 kilometers.

Red Cross at all levels of total

affected people within 15 days

Correspondent 10 from China Red Cross was informed that as at 18:00 on the 9th, China Red Cross and local Red Cross has a total value of the Zhouqu 600 million to provide funds and materials assistance.

yesterday, 12:30, Luo Jia Yu is Zhouqu County forest rescue of armed police detachment commissar Liu Yinfu Aba told reporters, with the lake several times for the demolition, the city water has receded. After the water receded, sanitation and disinfection staff immediately appear in the surrounding area. Gansu Provincial Health Department briefing Wednesday afternoon, Zhouqu yet reported infectious diseases and food poisoning.


front line rescue

large equipment moved into Zhouqu

the State Council issued a notice recommended

yesterday Zhouqu County, Gannan in Gansu large debris flows after the third day. 2:00 am that day, in a dark town, from migrant workers Yue governance Lintao his nine fellow, relying on the weak light of flashlights, in the land of debris, sewage and sludge in the difficulties ahead, leave town overnight.

by 1 kg of grain per person per day, 10 yuan for the issuance of temporary living assistance, a time limit of three months.

leading cadres should be

affected rural residential housing collapse or serious damage need of renewal, the average subsidy per household $ 20,000 in need of repair, household subsidy 4000 yuan; urban residents in the affected housing collapse or serious damage need of renewal, each The average household subsidy 25,000 yuan. For this year before winter, as late as June next year to complete collapse of housing reconstruction; damaged houses all repaired before the end of November this year, so that affected people get proper care.

high response

for donation

not wait to wages

in Yan Quansheng side, there is the village with young junior high school students, dressed in shirt,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Online[/url], backpack and water bottle in the slightly smaller, about 10 kg; a woman dressed in national costumes,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Online[/url], petite, bottle is not small, is 25 kg; also middle-aged couples support each other, walk together ... ...

Gansu provincial government, said the latest announcement from the 10 , the Zhouqu County in Gannan Prefecture, Gansu will be serious geological disasters affected people Debris Flow by 150 yuan per person paid a living allowance, a time limit of 15 days.

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